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Dr Eike Hartmann presents Master Plan for World Capital of Global Raam Raj in Brahma-Sthan (centre) of India - Part I
31 March 2008 - (more)

Maharishi's programmes blossoming in Holland
31 March 2008 - (more)

Report from Canada: Good news
31 March 2008 - (more)

Great upsurge of interest in Transcendental Meditation in Mongolia
30 March 2008 - (more)

Invincibility for the Netherlands through Maharishi Sthapatya Veda
30 March 2008 - (more)

The David Lynch Foundation donates (US)$1 million to boost enrollment at Maharishi University of Management
30 March 2008 - (more)

Good News from Invincible Trinidad and Tobago
29 March 2008 - (more)

Maharishi Vastu Effect:
 An example of invincibility through the establishment of ideal Vastu
29 March 2008 - (more)

Rising Invincibility for Spain
29 March 2008 - (more)

Maharishi Invincibility School under construction in Uganda
28 March 2008 - (more)

Meditation can lower blood pressure study seen around globe
28 March 2008 - (more)

Philippines promotes ideal education and Maharishi Vedic Organic Agriculture
28 March 2008 - (more)

New developments toward invincibility in Switzerland
27 March 2008 - (more)

New research published: Meta-analysis shows Transcendental Meditation reduces high blood pressure
27 March 2008 - (more)

India: Global Country of World Peace to establish a capital in Ayodhya
26 March 2008 - (more)

Maharishi's programmes promote health, enlightenment and invincibility in Russia
26 March 2008 - (more)

Raja Emanuel reports on Germany's Tower of Invincibility
26 March 2008 - (more)

Invincibility for the Netherlands through Consciousness-Based Education and Maharishi Vedic Health
25 March 2008 - (more)

Raja Bjarne Landsfeldt develops a master plan for Denmark
25 March 2008 - (more)

Salt Spring Island - Island of peace
25 March 2008 - (more)

David Lynch to fund Transcendental Meditation scholarships: News spreads around the world
24 March 2008 - (more)

Maharishi's programme for 12 Jyotir Lingas, 48 Brahmanand Saraswati Nagars, and 192 countries - Part III: Every country invited to participate
24 March 2008 - (more)

Maharishi's programme for 12 Jyotir Lingas, 48 Brahmanand Saraswati Nagars, and 192 countries - Part II, the complete list
23 March 2008 - (more)

Meru, Holland: Production of Vedic Observatories
23 March 2008 - (more)

Part II - A glossary of terms for Consciousness-Based Education
23 March 2008 - (more)

Maharishi's programme for 12 Jyotir Lingas, 48 Brahmanand Saraswati Nagars, and 192 countries - Part I
22 March 2008 - (more)

Part I - A glossary of terms for Consciousness-Based Education
22 March 2008 - (more)

Film maker David Lynch launches peace plan - Part II
21 March 2008 - (more)

Master plan presented for the European Capital of World Peace, in Meru, Holland
21 March 2008 - (more)

The family of Vedic Pandits in Maharishi Vedic City
21 March 2008 - (more)

Filmmaker David Lynch launches peace plan based on Transcendental Meditation - Part I
20 March 2008 - (more)

Honouring the Minister of Finance and Planning, exemplifying administration through silence
20 March 2008 - (more)

Maharishi Natural Reserve provides new perspective on Paraguayan natural landmark
20 March 2008 - (more)

Creating national invincibility through Yogic Flying
19 March 2008 - (more)

Maharishi Natural Reserve to help expand tourism in Paraguay
19 March 2008 - (more)

Raja John Konhaus expresses his wishes for the world
19 March 2008 - (more)

Initiatives to create invincibility in Denmark - Part II - Vedic Architecture in harmony with Natural Law
18 March 2008 - (more)

Maintaining the continuity of the Vedic Tradition
18 March 2008 - (more)

US: Maharishi School student wins top award at state event
18 March 2008 - (more)

Initiatives to create invincibility in Denmark - Part I - Consciousness-Based Education
17 March 2008 - (more)

Student Yogic Flyers create invincibility for Bolivia and Latin America
17 March 2008 - (more)

New Maharishi Sthapatya Veda communities planned for England
16 March 2008 - (more)

US: David Lynch to fund Transcendental Meditation scholarships
16 March 2008 - (more)

Vastu: Practitioners design living spaces on ancient Indian principles based on harmony with nature
16 March 2008 - (more)

Invincibility for Peru through Consciousness-Based Education
15 March 2008 - (more)

Report from Canada: Good news
15 March 2008 - (more)

Science Daily reports: Transcendental Meditation can lower blood pressure
15 March 2008 - (more)

Bolivia to have 10,000 Yogic Flyers by end of year
14 March 2008 - (more)

US: Filmmaker launches peace plan
14 March 2008 - (more)

David Lynch Weekend at Maharishi University of Management announced for 25-28 April
13 March 2008 - (more)

Latin America: Peaceful resolution of crisis through increased coherence
13 March 2008 - (more)

New research finds improved brain development in students through Transcendental Meditation
13 March 2008 - (more)

A 'Maharishi Natural Reserve' in Paraguay
12 March 2008 - (more)

India: Rising collective consciousness promotes healthy economy and a bright future
12 March 2008 - (more)

Record number of new students arrive for spring semester at Maharishi University of Management, Iowa, USA
12 March 2008 - (more)

Dr Rainer Picha presents the field of transcendental silence as revealed in the human physiology
11 March 2008 - (more)

Iowa, USA: Rising number of Vedic Pandits and Yogic Flyers to create national invincibility
11 March 2008 - (more)

Maharishi University meals transcend mundane cafeteria food
11 March 2008 - (more)

Building Maharishi Towers of Invincibility in Latin America
10 March 2008 - (more)

Celebrating the achievements of Dr John Konhaus, Raja of Invincible Japan
10 March 2008 - (more)

The M.U.M. Review: State Honor granted to Maharishi University of Management Founder
10 March 2008 - (more)

Consciousness-Based Education in Northeast Vedic America
9 March 2008 - (more)

Maharishi University of Management graduate publishes non-GMO directory
9 March 2008 - (more)

Research shows benefits of the Transcendental Meditation Programme for ADHD
9 March 2008 - (more)

Maharishi's programmes blossoming in Israel
8 March 2008 - (more)

US: Maharishi University of Management professor receives Lifetime Achievement Award
8 March 2008 - (more)

'The voice of the total knowledge of infinite silence, the voice of wholeness'
7 March 2008 - (more)

Progress in India - Part II
7 March 2008 - (more)

Celebrating the achievements of the Prime Minister of the Global Country of World Peace, Dr Bevan Morris - Part II
6 March 2008 - (more)

Global Memorial for Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, MERU, Vlodrop, Holland: Dr Eike Hartmann - Part IV
6 March 2008 - (more)

Improved quality of life in Invincible Holland - Part II
6 March 2008 - (more)

Maharaj Adhiraj Raja Raam addresses the global celebration in honour of the Prime Minister of the Global Country of World Peace, Dr Bevan Morris
5 March 2008 - (more)

Progress in India - Part I
5 March 2008 - (more)

The Prime Minister's wishes fulfilled
5 March 2008 - (more)

Celebrating the achievements of the Prime Minister of the Global Country of World Peace, Dr Bevan Morris - Part I
4 March 2008 - (more)

Dr Bevan Morris reviews travels in India after Maharishi's Memorial Ceremonies - Part II
4 March 2008 - (more)

Record number of students arrive for Accounting Professionals MBA Programme at Maharishi University of Management
4 March 2008 - (more)

'We joyfully carry out everything Maharishi has defined for us' - Dr Bevan Morris
3 March 2008 - (more)

Hundreds of students in Canada and thousands of students in India to learn Transcendental Meditation
3 March 2008 - (more)

The improved quality of life in Invincible Holland
3 March 2008 - (more)

M.U.M. Review honours the achievements of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
2 March 2008 - (more)

Nova Scotia, Canada: Transcending minor matters
2 March 2008 - (more)

Thousands of Maharishi Peace Palaces to create a powerful influence of order, positivity, and harmony worldwide
2 March 2008 - (more)

A review of Maharishi's teaching and achievements - Part III
1 March 2008 - (more)

Dr Bevan Morris reviews travels in India after Maharishi's departing rites ceremonies - Part I
1 March 2008 - (more)

Maharishi School students in Iowa, USA win four international photography awards
1 March 2008 - (more)

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