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Dr Eike Hartmann presents Master Plan for World Capital of Global Raam Raj in Brahma-Sthan (centre) of India - Part I
by Global Good News staff writer
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31 March 2008
On a recent Maharishi Global Family Chat, broadcast live daily via satellite and over the Internet on Channel 3 of the Maharishi Channel, Dr Eike Hartmann, Minister of Architecture of the Global Country of World Peace, gave an inspiring and very complete, detailed presentation of the master plan for the World Capital of Global Raam Raj in the Brahma-Sthan (geographical centre) of India.
Raja Harris Kaplan, Raja of India, introduced Dr Hartmann's presentation, which immediately preceded his own comprehensive talk on the 12 Jyotir Lingas of India. Raja Harris said that this Global Chat gave them the opportunity to share the 'great bliss of structuring on the physical, material level Maharishi Mahesh Yogi's great vision for his eternal administration of the world through silence.'
Raja Harris said that, just as it is his own firm resolve, heartfelt resolution and intention to make sure that these two essential aspects of Maharishi's Global Administration are accomplished, he knows that everyone around the world in the Global Country of World Peace is feeling exactly the same resolution: 'India is dear to all of us, Veda Bhumi Bharat* is dear to every member of Maharishi's worldwide family.'
Maharishi established the World Capital of Raam Raj in the Brahma-Sthan of India on 12 January 2008, during the ceremonies inaugurating his Year of Invincibility—Global Raam Raj, in Meru Holland and worldwide (please visit: 'Inauguration'; and 'Maharishi establishes').
Over the last several years, construction has been proceeding rapidly on many buildings and facilities there, under the direction of Dr Hartmann and Dr Girish Varma, Director-General of the Maharishi World Capital of Raam Raj at the Brahma-Sthan**, working closely with Maharishi on every detail of the design and construction. Special global events have also been held there.***
In February 2008, a delegation including Prime Minister Dr Bevan Morris, Raja Harris Kaplan, and other Ministers and Rajas of the Global Country of World Peace, visited the Brahma-Sthan, and reported on the astonishing rate of progress in realizing Maharishi's grand vision.
Raja Harris pointed out on a map of India the location of the Brahma-Sthan 'in the very heart of India', between Mahakaleshwar and Omkareshwar Jyotir Lingas, and between Bhopal and Jabalpur. There, 'being built right now, are permanent homes for at least 16,000 Yogic Flying Vedic Pandits' and large groups of the Maharishi Purusha Programme,**** as well as facilities for the Rajas and Ministers; also special courses are being held there for leaders of the Global Country of World Peace in India.
Raja Harris said that today Dr Hartmann would be presenting, perhaps for the first time, a view of detailed plans for the entire Brahma-Sthan.
Dr Hartmann began by explaining that people have seen different phases of construction in different areas and times in the Brahma-Sthan—'75 buildings coming up here, 25 buildings here, or some clusters being finished here—but it was not always obvious what is the underlying blueprint, where is the centre point, and how does it expand from there.'
He showed a display of the entire plan of the Brahma-Sthan, which stretches 6 kilometres from east to west, and 2.5 to 3 kilometres north to south; and pointed out the central north-south and east-west axes formed by the main roads running through the campus. As a reference point, he showed locations which might be familiar to viewers, for example on the western side of the central area, where Purusha stayed previously, and a large hall from which broadcasts on the Maharishi Channel have been originating.
Now considering 'the full extent of what we call the Brahma-Sthan', Dr Hartmann said the whole area is surrounded completely by mountains to the north, and 'pointed mountains' to the south, with lowlands in between. 'Nature prepared this land beautifully' for the Brahma-Sthan, Dr Hartmann said.
The exact centre point has been calculated very precisely and adjusted again and again, and the entire area surveyed very carefully many times during the acquisition process of many pieces of land, which occurred over some time—by Dr Roger Audet, Surveyor General of the Global Country of World Peace, who also prepared all the detailed charts and maps.
Over the next several days, Global Good News will feature Parts II and III of this article, with further details of the master plan as presented by Dr Hartmann.
* India, Land of the eternal Vedic Tradition of pure knowledge.
** Dr Varma is also Chairman of Maharishi Vidya Mandir Schools Group, and master organizer of Maharishi's programmes and building projects in India.
*** From January to March 2006, a series of historic sessions of the Maharishi Parliament of World Peace was broadcast live from the Brahma-Sthan, with Maharishi inaugurating each session connected from Meru, Holland, and featuring illuminating talks by many speakers focussing on national invincibility with reference to the twelve disciplines of Maharishi's Vedic Science.
**** Maharishi has explained that Purusha means the Self, the quality of infinite silence of the Unified Field of Natural Law. The Maharishi Purusha Programme was designed by Maharishi for men who wish to dedicate themselves fulltime to the most rapid pace of evolution and creating world peace. This is accomplished through the extended group practice of the Transcendental Meditation Sidhi Programme and activity dedicated to the fulfilment of the many programmes of Maharishi's worldwide organizations.
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