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Raja Bjarne Landsfeldt develops a master plan for Denmark
by Global Good News staff writer

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25 March 2008

On Maharishi Global Family Chat, broadcast daily via satellite and the internet on Channel 3 of the Maharishi Channel, Raja Bjarne Landsfeldt recently presented a master plan for the Global Country of World Peace in the countries of his domain: Denmark, Russia, Czech Republic, Slovenia, Bosnia, Malta, and Turkmenistan.

In developing this master plan, Raja Landsfeldt will establish clear channels of communication among the national directors of these countries. 'The goal,' he said, 'is to find the best and fastest way to establish all [our] programmes for world peace. As we progress, the first phase is to have a to-do list and accomplish more. The final phase will be ''To do nothing and accomplish everything.''* '

Laying out the details for this plan, Raja Landsfeldt said that from each of his countries two Secretary Generals will come to stay in Copenhagen, where they will coordinate for their country together. For Denmark there will be five Secretary Generals instead of two, taking care of different areas of activity: the Raja's Peace Palace, press coverage, the Vedic Pandits, the Global Mother Divine Organization, and communication. For this purpose, an administrative building with residences will be established, as well as other buildings for other functions.

Raja Landsfeldt plans to establish an 800-acre [324-hectare] farm in the Brahmasthan of Denmark [the auspicious central area of the country], dedicated to producing Maharishi Vedic Organic Agriculture. In addition, the Brahmasthan area will serve as the future location for Maharishi Vedic Pandits.

Raja Landseldt is also planning an exhibition of Maharishi Ayur Veda health products to take place in Copenhagen, followed by the launching of an internet site, a mail order system, and shops throughout the country dedicated to Maharishi Ayur Veda products. In addition, a Maharishi Vedic Medicine programme and hospital will be established as close to Copenhagen as possible.

In the field of education Raja Landsfeldt is working on several projects regarding schools and other educational institutions in his domain. A Maharishi after-school care programme for teenage students is scheduled to start in August, 2008. He is currently gaining government support for exchange programmes with foreign universities. So far, this includes an MBA programme in sustainable living in cooperation with Maharishi University of Management, Fairfield, Iowa, USA.

Raja Landsfeldt plans to raise the Invincibility of the nation by establishing groups of Yogic Flyers throughout the capital of Denmark. The first phase of this project will be to expand the Maharishi Peace Palaces in Copenhagen in order to provide housing for the Yogic Flyers.

In conclusion, Raja Landsfeldt emphasized the need for clarity and detail in planning for each domain in the Global Country of World Peace. 'Only in this way will each nation achieve its goals effortlessly and naturally,' he concluded.

* 'To do nothing and accomplish everything': This is an expression of Maharishi's which explains that by enlivening the full potential of Natural Law in our awareness through the experience of the Unified Field of Natural Law in our own Transcendental Consciousness, the field of infinite silence, we gain the support of the laws of Nature to accomplish what we want with minimum effort. Nature carries it out for us. Maharishi also said it is like having the president of a company working for us.

Copyright © 2008 Global Good News(sm) Service.

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