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Unlocking the total power of Natural Law to live life in perfection
by Global Good News staff writer

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26 October 2011

Maharaja Adhiraj Rajaraam continued his address 26 October during the celebration of the Festival of Lights, Dipavali. Having said that the glory of human life is 'the fullness of life, fullness of the unbounded infinite lived in daily living', Maharaja, honoured by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi as first ruler of the Global Country of World Peace, went on to say, 'Our great responsibility, duty, and joy . . . is to uphold that reality and offer it to the world.

'That is why we thank everyone, we glorify everyone who is in that path, who has had the chance to have access to that knowledge, and is able to enliven it through their Transcendental Meditation Programme,' as well as the advanced Transcendental Meditation Sidhi Programme, including Yogic Flying.

Giving appreciation to the programmes of Maharishi's Vedic Science, Maharaja also thanked those who allow this knowledge of fullness of life 'to be structured in a society which is built in accordance with Natural Law, as is Sthapatya Veda (Vedic architecture); for life to be lived in accordance with the rhythms of Natural Law, as is helped by Jyotish; and for health to be full and bring enlightenment as offered by Ayurveda—and all aspects of living to be lived and enjoyed through the 40 aspects of Maharishi's Vedic Science, which together . . . are present in that wholeness of life, wholeness of Brahm (Totality, total Natural Law), in its dynamics and in its silence at the same time.'

Referring to Maharishi's explanation, Maharaja described the mechanics of the Maharishi Vedic Pandits' daily recitations of the Vedic literature, in which they are experiencing 'those sounds of the Veda which are the dynamics of Natural Law at their inception', at the deepest level of their own consciousness . . . . 'That transition point, when established in pure Being, and recited in the proper way, is what unlocks the whole power of Natural Law. That is what will secure for us that every aspect of life is lived in perfection.'

Maharishi has recommended specific approaches, Maharaja said, to help realize this ideal state of life, especially the establishment of large groups of Vedic Pandits and Yogic Flyers to neutralize stress and create coherence and harmony in society. 'We are on our way to create the number of Pandits that is necessary, the number of Yogic Flyers that is necessary, and as different communities,' he said. Today we honour everyone who has contributed in a multitude of ways to help support 'this power that unlocks the value of fullness and unlocks the value of wholeness for the whole humanity'.

Global Good News will continue featuring Maharaja Adhiraj Rajaraam's address from the Dipavali celebration in the coming days.

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