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Highlights of Maharaja Adhiraj Rajaraam's address in the Golden Dome: Creating balance and all good for the US through the knowledge of total Natural Law
by Global Good News staff writer

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21 April 2009

Maharaja Adhiraj Rajaraam, First Ruler of the Global Country of World Peace, continued his address on 3 April 2009 to the whole Invincible America Assembly community in the Maharishi Patanjali Golden Dome of Pure Knowledge at Maharishi University of Management.

Continuing to comment on the special role and responsibility of the United States in creating Heaven on Earth, Maharaja said that more ethical, generous thinking and behaviour will naturally arise in the nation, he said, as people grow in the experience of higher states of consciousness—as the result of large groups of Yogic Flyers, particularly the Invincible America Assembly, practising together.

Please also see Part I, Part II, Part III, and Part IV of this article.

Maharaja Adhiraj Rajaraam appreciated the great contributions of the United States in providing a modern scientific understanding of spirituality—especially praising Raja Dr John Hagelin, Raja of Invincible America, 'one of greatest scientists in this field', for providing the understanding of total Natural Law from the perspective of the Unified Field in physics.

Maharaja emphasized how greatly the complete knowledge of total Natural Law is needed for the United States. 'It's important and it's vital—for the creation of balance in thinking, for the power of the energy of creativity to be in the direction of all good, in the direction of total health in the nation as a whole.'

In light of the current economic situation in the United States, Maharaja described the 'transformation of consciousness' that will be needed for the resulting reconstruction. 'It's not the system, it's not capitalism . . . It's the ''ethical value'' that comes from the innocent sense of responsibility on a global level, because one knows one is everything. . . . If everyone wants everything for himself personally—but where is yourself, who is yourself anyway? If you think of yourself as a small individual, limited in space and time, and age, then you are missing the point.
,br> 'But if, on the level of awareness, you know you are infinity—not [through the] intellect necessarily . . . but on the level of experience you know you are infinity, you know you are wholeness—you are sitting here next to this, next to that, this far back, this far forward—but you know you are everyone, because you are pure Being, you are the Self of everything.

'In this knowledge that comes not from understanding intellectually but from direct experience, each individual naturally wants what is good for all, and no good for no one. So this division of all and no one becomes immaterial, since everyone is everyone else. And therefore when I want good for you, I want it for myself. That's how it works.'

Maharaja said that this ideal behaviour will naturally result from 'raising the consciousness of society to that level of understanding, which comes not only from everyone meditating in society, but even from a small group of Yogic Flyers practising together. We know what they create is that sense of responsibility which is almost not on the level of thinking, analyzing, or intellectual considerations; but in a natural and innocent way, the individual will make choices that are healthy for himself and for his society.

'Therefore the solution to any misbehaviour in any financial market, or a misdecision about international relations or international programmes,' Maharaja said, 'can only be resolved from the level of raising the consciousness of the people.' Maharaja gave great credit to the large group of Yogic Flyers in the Invincible America Assembly, without whose presence the current situation might have led to catastrophe.

Global Good News will continue featuring highlights of Maharaja Adhiraj Rajaraam's address in the Golden Dome in the coming days.

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