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Maharaja Adhiraj Rajaraam introduced in Golden Dome as 'greatest scientist of all human history'
by Global Good News staff writer

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6 April 2009

Maharaja Adhiraj Rajaraam, First Ruler of the Global Country of World Peace, visited the seat of his administration in North America in Maharishi Vedic City, USA on Friday 3 April, and gave a beautiful address to 1,200 faculty, students, community leaders, and Invincible America Assembly participants in the Maharishi Patanjali Golden Dome of Pure Knowledge at Maharishi University of Management in nearby Fairfield.

Please also visit Part I of this article.

Dr Bevan Morris, Prime Minister of the Global Country of World Peace and President of Maharishi University of Management, introduced Maharaja to the large gathering in the Dome as 'the greatest scientist of all human history' for his historic discovery, under the guidance of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, of the reality of Veda and Vedic Literature in human physiology.

Dr Morris honoured Maharaja's supreme intellectual genius, and his dedication and openness to the whole field of Total Knowledge he received from Maharishi, to 'illuminate the relationship between the field of consciousness, its self-referral vibrations as Veda and Vedic Literature, and the expression of that in human physiology, and the physiology of the universe—making the reality that there is only one continuum of consciousness, and physiology is consciousness, the individual is cosmic, and has cosmic creative potential. . . .

'Maharishi saw that what Maharaja had done was unite all opposite values, in a field of unity: spirituality and science, matter and consciousness—all the seemingly opposite extremes, brought into one grand unity of scientific understanding—and not just one for intellectual enjoyment, but one which, through the practice of the techniques which Guru Dev* gave to all of us through Maharishi, this reality could be completely lived by every human being, and every nation could be invincible.

'This was what Maharishi saw in this discovery, that it had in fact created the intellectual foundation for the dawn of Raam Raj**, and the education in Raam Raj that would sustain life in the field of bliss and make heaven continually be open, the reality of life on earth for countless generations.' This was the magnitude of Maharaja's discovery, Dr Morris said, expressed in his first book,*** and coming out soon in a second book, which shows the Ramayan in the physiology of every human being.

'Maharishi was so proud of this discovery,' Dr Morris said, 'that he weighed Maharaja in gold in 1998, like something from the ancient traditions of India, for such a supreme accomplishment.' Maharishi saw that this great scientist was 'the proper leader of his world Movement for the continuation of his legacy in the world', and crowned Maharaja as First Ruler of the Global Country of World Peace in 2000.

Dr Morris also honoured Maharaja's beautiful support of Maharishi especially in early 2008 when Maharishi was establishing the direction for the continuation of all his programmes of the Global Country of World Peace—the 'farewell gift' he requested from the Rajas, of building Maharishi Towers of Invincibility in all countries; establishment of 48 Brahmanand Saraswati Nagars throughout India, and the Global Capital of Raam Raj at the Brahma-Sthan of India; culminating in the foundation of the Brahmanand Saraswati Trust to create an endowment fund to support large groups of Vedic Pandits in India and around the world.

And Maharishi bestowed the responsibility for all of this on Maharaja, Dr Morris said, which he feels he shares with all the leadership of the Global Country of World Peace and with all the enlightened of the world, including this group he was addressing today.

Thanking Maharaja for coming and blessing the community, a 'huge golden day in our history', Dr Morris recalled many inspiring events over the years in the Maharishi Patanjali Golden Dome, 'which Maharishi conceived and which was built completely with his inspiration and guidance, to create an invincible America'—including Maharishi's two visits: in December 1979 when the Dome was under construction, giving a beautiful lecture from where Maharaja was now sitting; and again in December 1983, inaugurating the Taste of Utopia Assembly in a gathering of 3,000 Yogic Flyers.

Dr Morris also honoured Maharaja Adhiraj Rajaraam's guidance of the Global Council of Rajas, Minsters, Raj Rajeshwaris, 'with beautiful words inspired from the level of silence, from Maharishi's level', setting everything in the right path. 'We all have been grateful for your leadership, for your kindness, and for your all-inclusiveness. He draws everyone together, he constantly unifies, and gives wise blessings and inspiration, is just the living embodiment of enlightened heart and enlightened intellect.' In crowning Maharaja, Dr Morris said, Maharishi gave everyone 'a chance to unfold the totality of administration through silence**** that Maharishi desired, that he saw coming for the whole world through the leadership of Maharaja Adhiraj Rajaraam'.

Global Good News will continue with highlights from Maharaja Adhiraj Rajaraam's address to the Maharishi Vedic City and Maharishi University of Management community on 3 April.

* Maharishi's Master, Shri Guru Dev, His Divinity Brahmanand Saraswati, Jagatguru Shankaracharya of Jyotir Math, Himalayas.

** The full awakening of total Natural Law in the consciousness of every individual and in the collective consciousness of every nation and the entire world through Maharishi's programmes, creating a state of invincible permanent peace, happiness, and prosperity for the entire world— Heaven on Earth.

*** Human Physiology: Expression of Veda and the Vedic Literature

**** Administration from the level of total Natural Law at the deepest, most silent, unbounded level of consciousness of all the leaders and members of the Global Country of World Peace, through their daily practice of Maharishi's technologies of consciousness.

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