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Filmmaker David Lynch recommends Transcendental Meditation to solve problems in schools
by Global Good News staff writer

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22 December 2012

On a tour of Europe and other countries, film director David Lynch spoke often about the power of Transcendental Meditation to improve creativity and also to reduce stress in the individual and society.

The recently released documentary film by Mr Lynch, titled Meditation, Creativity, Peace, chronicles the award-winning director's 16-country, 2007-2009 tour.

To a reporter in Paris, he explained that the consciousness experienced during Transcendental Meditation has qualities including creativity, intelligence, energy, love, power, and bliss.

'Any human being can experience this easily and effortlessly with Transcendental Meditation,' he said. 'Transcendental Meditation is just a vehicle' to bring one to experience the underlying, universal field of pure consciousness, the field of infinite peace and bliss at the basis of the mind's activity.

'When you experience this level, you enliven it and it grows in the individual. . . . Everyone has consciousness.'

But what is consciousness?

'The way to understand consciousness: If you took it away, you'd really see what it is. If there wasn't any consciousness, we wouldn't exist, and if we did exist, we wouldn't know it. It's the ''I Am'' -ness of life. It is life itself.'

Experiencing this consciousness has innumerable positive effects, Mr Lynch said.

As he elaborated, Mr Lynch's words reflected issues that at the time had long been a topic of wide public discourse. They also presaged the deep concerns now echoing throughout the United States and the world—and the timely need for profound, effective solutions—in the wake of the Newtown, Connecticut school shootings.

'In schools,' Mr Lynch said, 'there is stress, anxiety, horror stories, depression—so many people on pharmaceutical drugs'—and children increasingly vulnerable to violence, both within and from outside their schools.

Give a student the technique of Transcendental Meditation, he suggested.

'It is easy to do. It's not concentration; it's not contemplation. Concentration and contemplation keep you right on the surface. You're not transcending. It's this field [of the transcendent] that does everything for the human being.'

He continued, 'This is Transcendental Consciousness. You know, there are so many names for this field: The Tao, kingdom of heaven... In Vedic language, this field is called Atma, which means the Self. Know thyself.'

Mr Lynch explained, 'What you're doing is unfolding your full potential as a human being. Your full potential as a beautiful human being is called enlightenment and people can unfold their enlightenment.'

See related article: 'Film highlights another theme of David Lynch tour: Establishing invincible universities in every country'

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