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US National Invincibility Tour concludes, inspiring thousands to create coherence and peace for the nation
by Global Good News staff writer

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2 November 2010

The National Invincibility Tour of the United States, in which two Global Country of World Peace leaders visited 29 major cities, was completed 1 November 2010. The tour inspired a strong sense of coherence among practitioners of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi's programmes in each area, and also served to encourage Yogic Flyers to join the Invincible America Assembly in Fairfield, Iowa, USA.

The two portions of the tour were led by Dr Bevan Morris, Prime Minister of the Global Country of World Peace and President of Maharishi University of Management; and Dr John Hagelin, National Director of the Transcendental Meditation Programme in the US. Its purpose was to enliven a nationwide focus on the central goal of creating invincibility for the US and the world—beginning with increasing the number of participants in the Invincible America Assembly.

Both leaders covered large areas of the country, uplifting audience members with their profound understanding of Maharishi's Vedic Science and technologies of consciousness, and their life-long experience working in Maharishi's organizations to achieve the goals of enlightenment for every individual and invincibility for all nations. In each location, 'everyone in the audience left with a more powerful resolve to create national coherence through the Invincible America Assembly, and to help make the Transcendental Meditation Programme and Yogic Flying available to everyone in the nation,' commented Dr Mario Orsatti, National Director of Communication in Dr Hagelin's administration.

Several thousand people attended presentations throughout the country, including in Houston, Texas; Portland, Oregon; Seattle, Washington; Orange, Connecticut; Atlanta, Georgia; San Francisco, California; Boston, Massachusetts; and the nation's capital of Washington, DC, where 150 people attended.

Following up on their successful tour, Dr Morris and Dr Hagelin have founded an organization called the Maharishi Ideal Community Group, in Fairfield, Iowa, which is dedicated to inspiring Transcendental Meditation practitioners and Yogic Flyers to visit the town and its neighbour, Maharishi Vedic City—and to join the Invincible America Assembly. 'When the desired goal of 2,500 participants is reached in the assembly, the US will become a great generator of coherence, peace, and harmony for the entire world,' said Dr Orsatti.

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