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Idyllic Invincible Peace Colonies planned for the United States
by Global Good News staff writer

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30 September 2007

Dr Robert Wynne, Raja (Administrator) of the Global Country of World Peace for Central Vedic America, reported during a recent Global Family Chat on progress in establishing Invincible Peace Colonies throughout the United States.

Dr Wynne explained that he is focused all the time on expansion for all the US Rajas' domains—including the creation of the Peace Palaces and Invincible Peace Colonies.

He mentioned that he was at that moment engaged on a conference call with other US Rajas. 'We're discussing Invincible Peace Colonies; you could also call them ''multi-family housing''. They are built according to the principles of Maharishi Sthapatya Veda. They'll be in every major city in the United States, where people will have an idyllic lifestyle—they'll be able to do long practice of Maharishi's Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi Programme, including Yogic Flying, in group flying halls,' to create invincibility for their community and their nation. Dr Wynne also said that residents of these Peace Colonies 'will be able to have pure organic food prepared for them, so that they don't have to spend the time cooking—and then a lot of their time can be devoted to long meditation.'

Dr Wynne commented that 'in every major city this is needed of course. There's a vast population in the United States, so having these Peace Colonies in each area is very simple'—because everybody wants this beautiful type of housing, and many people want this lifestyle. Therefore each city will be contributing to the coherence of the whole United States,' adding that each city would certainly have the number of Yogic Flyers required to create invincibility for that population. 'And this is in addition to the Invincible America Assembly here in Maharishi Vedic City,' of which Dr Wynne is the Mayor.

The Rajas are also deeply focused on various programmes offered by the government which could support the Invincible Peace Colonies, including those for supporting multiple family housing. 'All the Rajas right now are establishing those communities in every one of their domains,' Dr Wynne said. Architects are currently making the final changes in the design for these multi-family houses, which would include apartments. The designs are flexible, so if there is a lot of land, they can be one-storey buildings. If less land is available, they can be two- or three-storey buildings, but each with the same footprint; so the design and planning are very simple. 'Under any circumstance,' Dr Wynne said, 'they will meet the Maharishi Sthapatya Veda criteria,' for example they will all face east on the land, with no sunrise delay. Dr Wynne concluded, 'It'll just be a completely idyllic situation.'

Copyright © 2007 Global Good News(sm) Service

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