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The Coronation Ceremony for three new Raj Rajeshwaris of the Global Country of World Peace - Part I
by Global Good News staff writer

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15 September 2007

The highly auspicious coronation of three new Raj Rajeshwaris of the Global Country of World Peace was held recently at MERU Holland, and in Maharishi Vedic City, USA. During the ceremonies, which were connected via videoconference and broadcast live globally on the Maharishi Channel, one of the first twenty Raj Rajeshwaris in the world today, whose coronations have taken place during the past year, explained the role and responsibility of the Raj Rajeshwaris.

In her introduction, the Raj Rajeshwari said that it was 'with the grace of Guru Dev*, the blessings of Maharishi, and under the divine order of His Majesty Maharaja Nader Raam, first ruler of the Global Country of World Peace, that we celebrate the most auspicious, royal, and divine Coronation Ceremony of three new Raj Rajeshwaris.

'The Raj Rajeshwaris are the motherly aspect of the administration of the Global Country of World Peace, parallel to the Rajas. The Raj Rajeshwaris are the embodiments of Total Knowledge. They are on that level of consciousness where the Constitution of the Universe, Total Natural Law, the Veda, is eternally lively. Maintaining our awareness on this level of unbounded self-referral consciousness, the Raj Rajeshwaris have the role of nourishing the whole universal domain.

'At the same time, the Raj Rajeshwaris have the role of nourishing the world population by taking care of half the world's population, the world of ladies. The Raj Rajeshwaris are responsible for the education of the mothers of every generation, generation after generation.

'Each Raj Rajeshwari of the soon to be 24 Raj Rajeshwaris, has taken responsibility for eight countries, and all together, the Raj Rajeshwaris will nourish all the 192 countries of the world.

'The Raj Rajeshwaris have the glorious role of glorifying the role of Mother, of maintaining enlightened administration on earth by maintaining the purity of Total Knowledge, thereby ensuring perpetual invincibility, Raam Raj, for all generations.

'The master key to prevention-oriented, problem-free administration, to life in fulfilment, and to the science and technology of administration through Brahm by Brahm [Totality, Total Natural Law], has been given to us by Maharishi, Guru Dev, and the Holy Tradition of Vedic Masters.'

The Coronation Ceremony then continued with listening to the National Anthem of the Global Country of World Peace, Rashtra Gita [Vedic recitation of Rk, Sama, Yajur, and Artharva Veda], and traditional Vedic Puja, the ceremony of gratitude to the Holy Tradition of Vedic Masters.

* Guru Dev: Maharishi's Master, Shri Guru Dev, His Divinity Brahmanand Saraswati, Jagatguru Shankaracharya of Jyotir Math, Himalayas.

The global broadcast of the Raj Rajeshwaris' Coronation ceremony is currently being replayed on the Maharishi Channel—please see for schedule and updates.

Global Good News will feature the continuation of this article about the Coronation over the next few days.

Copyright © 2007 Global Good News(sm) Service.

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