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Maharishi's contribution in the field of agriculture - Part II - Raja John Fagan
by Global Good News staff writer

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27 July 2008

Raja John Fagan continues to speak about Maharishi's contribution to agriculture: Vedic Food for Vedic consciousness.

In Part I of this talk, Raja John Fagan spoke about Maharishi saying that 'food is Brahm, Totality'. This is a great gift of Maharishi, this gift of understanding, continued Raja Fagan.

Another gift of understanding that Maharishi gave everyone is that purity of consciousness and purity of food are very closely linked. Over and over again he emphasized this, Raja Fagan said. 'Vedic food for Vedic consciousness', Maharishi said, and even recently when Maharishi commented on the profound experiences of higher states of consciousness emerging from the Invincible America Assembly in Maharishi Vedic City and Fairfield, Iowa, 'he also reminded people that to nourish these growing experiences, it was so important to have pure food and pure water, and also good rest at night,' Raja Fagan said.

Always Maharishi made the connection between purity of food and purity of consciousness, and 'in this area Maharishi gave us another practical gift of understanding, which was to alert us to one specific hazard—the threat of genetic engineering, and what it poses to the integrity and safety of the world's food supply,' said Raja Fagan.

He then read a quotation from Maharishi: 'The sequential evolution of Natural Law from unmanifest to manifest is the key point to understand. This sequential evolution is displayed in the sequential evolution of Richas, words and gaps in the Vedic Literature, from Rk to Sama to Yajur to Artharva. This sequential evolution is the flow of evolution, Navo navo bhavati*. It is the sequential evolution of the holistic value of Natural Law. Starting from the holistic value of infinity in the unmanifest, it unfolds sequentially to eventually be the holistic value of the unmanifest.

'The sequence that is free from any problems, free from any inhibition of the evolutionary process, this is a sequence of evolution.

'It is very, very important. Genetic engineering disturbs the sequence. It disturbs the sequence. That is why it's unnatural. Unnatural means disallowing the natural process of renewal of life, Navo navo bhavati. Obstruction in evolution is obviously and clearly damaging to life. That's how life gets problems and disease. Balance is broken. Sequential evolution is deprived of its natural, direct flow of evolution.'

Raja Fagan said that at the end of a later discussion about genetic engineering, Maharishi contrasted this with the following vision of Total Knowledge-based approach: 'What is called science today is so small. There is a level of knowledge where you can accomplish anything, where you can erase the coding of a gene and create a gene for enlightenment.'

Raja Fagan continued, 'This is the vision Maharishi has for Total Knowledge-based life, Total Knowledge-based food, and also engineering—as opposed to genetic engineering.' Maharishi's warnings about genetic engineering galvanized many people into action: The Natural Law Party, Mothers for Natural Law, and many practitioners of Transcendental Meditation, Yogic Flyers, and Teachers of TM around the world who took it upon themselves to work on this. Raja Fagan said he is sure the results of their work 'are greatly appreciated by Natural Law and by Mother Nature'.

* The full expression is Navo navo bhavati jayamanah (Rk Veda, 10.85.19)—always created new, always growing, emerging, and evolving—expressing how, in the process of transformation or evolution, it is the Totality that is reborn again and again.

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