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Maharishi Mahesh Yogi's comments to the press - Christmas, 2002

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25 December 2021

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi replies to a question from the world press on the Vedic nature of Christ's words, 'Seek ye first the Kingdom of Heaven and all else will be added unto you.' — Global Press Conference, 25 December 2002, MERU, Netherlands.

Question from the press:

'Maharishi, today we have a question from an American journalist about Christianity and Total Knowledge: ''Christianity today seems to have no memory of enlightenment or higher states of consciousness, yet the Bible quotes Jesus as saying, the 'Kingdom of Heaven is within,' and 'Seek ye first the Kingdom of Heaven and all else shall be added unto you.' All this has at least the sound of Vedic Knowledge.* Do you think Jesus understood the Vedic teaching of enlightenment, and is there any chance that Christianity could come back to a richer understanding of the nature and purpose of life?'' '

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi:

'Any religion that has guided the destiny of millions of people for so many years—now, Christianity, 2,000 years—and this expression of Christ is the voice of the Veda, which says: Yatinam Brahma bhavati sarathih—Those who have Unity in their awareness, those who have Unity lively in their awareness, Natural Law works for them. So Christianity says the truth. It is Vedic Truth.

'Your question is a very wise question. It has the answer to it—within it is the answer. Yatinam Brahma bhavati sarathih is the expression of Rk Veda, that those who are united within themselves, where Unity is their awareness, total Natural Law works for them. And if Christ has said it, if Christianity says it, then it is the voice, eternal voice, which is the path to God Realisation—it is religion. That find within yourself. That, by finding which, you'll be blessed with everything.

'It's a very beautiful quotation of Christ, and it comes today on this Christmas Day; it's a very good message for the people. Find yourself first. Find yourself first, and when you have found it, then you have found your Self, then you have found Supreme Intelligence. Then you are enlightened. Then you are in the Light of God. It's a beautiful expression of Christianity, to be followed by all the people.'

— — —

* 'Vedic Knowledge means Total Knowledge. The Self of everyone is pure intelligence, pure consciousness, and through the procedure of Transcendental Meditation and all those procedures which we have been teaching for the last fifty years, everyone can explore one's own inner Self as the total potential of Natural Law and command events in his life, in his environment, and be the master of his destiny.' —Maharishi, 24 July 2002

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