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First Annual Vastu Conference
Maharishi Vastu Architecture Translate This Article
12 August 2017
Enlightened Buildings and Communities conference September 8–10, Orlando, Florida Maharishi Vastu Architecture is very pleased to announce the first annual conference, ''Enlightened Buildings and Communities,'' for builders, developers, real estate professionals and anyone who would like to be involved in creating built environments that foster healthy lifestyles and enlightened living.
For further information and registration please visit:
This conference was prompted by the response from developers around the world to go more deeply into the topics explored in the recent book, Enlightened Real Estate: Transforming Ourselves and the World Around Us, featured in our enews of January, 2017
The conference will be held at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel, Grande Lakes, Orlando, Florida, the weekend of September 8-10, 2017. Dr. Tony Nader, M.D., Ph.D. will present the keynote address, ''How Consciousness, Physiology, and the Built Environment Interact.'' This is a superb opportunity to learn from an extraordinary scientist whose research into the fields of consciousness and physiology has been recognized worldwide.
Leading experts on Maharishi Vastu architecture and communities will then address how the timeless knowledge of design/build maintained in the Vedic tradition is the key element to establishing a truly sustainable and life-enriching environment for communities and those who live in them. And, how these principles can be applied to contemporary building and community planning practices around the world. These speakers include Dr. Eike Hartmann, who heads the International Institute of Vedic Architecture and City Planning, Jonathan Lipman, AIA, Director of Maharishi Vastu services for North America, and Dr. Lila Maria Hartmann-Stein, Director of Expansion at the International Institute of Vedic Architecture and City Planning who has developed a curriculum for Architecture and Engineering at Maharishi European Research University.
Highly experienced real estate developers and builders will discuss their experiences with Maharishi Vastu construction, and experts in the areas of healthy building certification will present recent technological advances and how they contribute to a holistic design system for the 21st century.
Conference participants will have opportunities to network and develop collaborative relationships at informal events and shared meals. The conference will include a mini design charrette in which participants will be able to apply principles of Vastu planning to projects. Participants with projects in early planning stages will have a special opportunity to meet individually or in small working groups with the Maharishi Vastu professionals. Bring your maps and site plans!
The goal of this event is to quickly establish up to ten residential demonstration projects of Maharishi Vastu communities in the US. The projects will vary in size according to available land and demand. . . .
Rendlesham Garden Village in Suffolk, England is a prime example of what a community of Maharishi Vastu homes can be.
Currently the village features 64 homes and apartments on six and a half acres of land (2.4 hectares). Two recent additions are a Maharishi Ayurvedic spa and a lovely community center that serves the population for daily gatherings for those practicing Transcendental Meditation, as well as for celebrations and special events, weekend retreats, and an international graduate school for degrees as well as non-degree enrichment programs.
The village has just purchased an additional parcel of 11 acres adjacent to the current property, on which it is planning to build 100 more units as well as offices, retail space, and land for agriculture, so that it becomes a full-featured community.
Developments such as this make it simple for anyone to enjoy the many advantages of Maharishi Vastu living. Relatively few of us have either the time and/or understanding to build our own home. We want to open this opportunity to as many people as we can through similar developments around the world!
Copyright © 2017 Fortune Creating Buildings
Source: At Home in Maharishi Vastu, the newsletter of Maharishi Vedic Architecture.
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