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Celebrating the Vedic tradition of knowledge: 'The world is my family' - Maharishi
by Global Good News staff writer

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12 July 2014

On 12 July, the organizations of the Global Country of World Peace* in many countries participated in the festival of Guru Purnima, the full moon day in July which each year honours the great teachers of the Vedic tradition of knowledge—the source of the programmes and technologies of consciousness brought to the world over 50 years by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.

Maharishi founded many programmes and institutions for every area of society, including Transcendental Meditation and its advanced techniques.

On this occasion seven years ago on 29 July 2007, Maharishi celebrated Guru Purnima at Maharishi European Research University (MERU) in the Netherlands.

In his inaugural address he described the 'immeasurable treasure of richness of life—life in totality of Brahman Consciousness'** that all of these programmes make it possible to attain at the level of individuals and reflected in the society as a whole.

The beneficial effects of Maharishi's programmes have been documented by scientific research showing improved health and a better quality of life for people in many countries. Group practice of the advanced Transcendental Meditation Sidhi programme, including Yogic Flying, has been found to reduce crime and violence and promote positive trends in society. Maharishi referred to this phenomenon in noting an invincible momentum of rising coherence, prosperity, and peace in countries throughout the world:

'That which we have been hearing, and our tradition has been saying—Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam—the world is my family. The world is my family has been the inspiration from all time, and we are experiencing today, the world is my family on the highest level, on the pinnacle level of invincibility characterizing real lasting freedom in affluence, integrity, coherence, all positivity, perfect health, long life.'

Maharishi's address from 2007 was played during a conference held today at MERU, attended by international directors of Maharishi's programmes, as well as directors of the Transcendental Meditation programme from many countries, who have been presenting achievements from the past year, and plans for the coming year. The conference was chaired by neuroscientist Tony Nader, MD, PhD, who was honoured by Maharishi for his discovery of human physiology as the expression of Veda and the Vedic literature, with the title Maharaja Adhiraj Rajaraam, and the responsibility of guiding the activities of the Global Country of World Peace around the world. Dr Nader also addressed the assembly.

Today's conference was held concurrently at the Global Capital of World Peace in the centre (Brahmasthan) of India.

* The Global Country of World Peace was founded by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi as a consortium of educational organizations in more than 100 countries working to create a new era of peace, progress, and prosperity in our world family. It is a 'nation without borders', a home for peace-loving people everywhere. The domain of the Global Country of World PeaceĀ is consciousness—the prime mover of life—the ground state of natural law, the field of all possibilities. It is a non-political, non-religious global organization and does not usurp or replace any of the functions of existing governments.

** The highest state of human development, described in Maharishi's Vedic Science.

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