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Connecting with the ''deep soul''
by Craig Pearson, Ph.D.    Translate This Article
23 June 2013

The Excellence in Action page of Global Good News is featuring this article with photos.

Please click on the following link to read more about Connecting with the ''deep soul''.

In an insightful new essay, Craig Pearson, Ph.D., describes the life and work of Rabbi Abraham Isaac Kook (1865-1935, Latvia and Israel), one of the greatest figures in 20th century Judaism. He was a renowned Torah scholar, a powerful leader, a profound thinker, a force for progress and peace and unity.

Considered a prodigy as a child, Kook (pronounced cook) became a rabbi at the age of 23, serving first in small communities in Latvia and Lithuania. In 1904, when he was 39, he moved to Palestine (prior to the formation of Israel) and established a Jewish academy (yeshiva) in the seaport town of Jaffa. In 1921 he was elected Palestine's first chief rabbi, a position he held the rest of his life.

Rabbi Kook recognized where his strength and vitality came from—through connecting with the ''deep soul'' within, which he describes in his writings as a realm of bliss, equanimity, peace, truth, and liberation. He repeatedly emphasizes the value of reconnecting with the ''deep soul,'' which is normally hidden from us. It lies beyond all activity, even beyond our sense of individual self. When we experience it, he says, we discover who we really are—and when we emerge, our thoughts and actions are bold and joyful.

This is the experience that the Transcendental Meditation technique leads us to twice each day, Dr Pearson explains. With this simple, natural, effortless technique, the waves of mental activity settle down like waves settling on an ocean. Then we experience consciousness in its pure state, an infinite reservoir of creativity and intelligence and bliss. At the same time, the body settles into state of deep physical rest, dissolving deep-rooted stress and fatigue. Brain functioning becomes highly integrated and coherent.

Enjoy the full article on the Excellence in Action page, in which Dr Pearson explores striking parallels between beautiful passages from Rabbi Kook's writings and the experience of transcending during Transcendental Meditation, as well as scientific research on its many benefits for reducing stress, improving health, and promoting peace and unity in the world.

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