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US: Homeowners describe protective effect of Maharishi Vastu architecture in Hurricane Sandy

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20 November 2012

Owners of a Maharishi Vastu-designed home* along the shoreline of Connecticut, in the Northeast region of the United States, continued to describe their experience of the ''Vastu Shield'' effect during Hurricane Sandy as the recent massive, dangerous storm made landfall in their area. Through hours of ferocious winds and torrential rains at the height of the storm, causing many fallen trees and other destruction in their neighborhood, the Vastu structure sustained no damage beyond the loss of one small sliver of roof shingle.

Please see Part I of this article: ''Hurricane Sandy tests Vastu Shield effect''. The homeowners' account continues:

This storm came at high tide and on a full moon, making for higher water levels in Long Island Sound on top of the storm surge.

As our home is higher up than any of our neighbors it makes our home significantly more vulnerable to wind and puts our third floor ''up in the sky'' all by itself—making the house a perfect target for high winds during such an event.

For hours at the height of the storm, the house shook and creaked and the large third floor windows were bowing in as the intense pressure of the hurricane-force winds pressed in on them.

Hurricane Sandy

The only thing we lost was a tiny piece of roof shingle, measuring about 4 inches by 15 inches [10cm by 38cm], which blew off after hours of pounding wind.

All along we had no worry for our personal welfare, knowing that we would be OK, and our entire focus was on our home pulling through unscathed as it had last July [in Hurricane Irene].

I have lived in this part of Connecticut all my life and can count the number of hurricanes I've experienced here on one hand. Remarkably, since building our home according to Maharishi Vastu architecture, we have had two such storms. So not only did we survive one major hurricane last year, but now a second, even worse event. Our Maharishi Vastu home survived a very dangerous and damaging storm once again. Vastu is safe and sound. Even the Kalash [ornament] on our roof is intact!

Global Good News will continue to report on experiences of other Maharishi Vastu homeowners in the Northeast region of the US during Hurricane Sandy.

See related article on the Vastu Shield effect during last year's Hurricane Irene.

For more about Maharishi Vastu* architecture, visit:

This post appeared in the November 2012 issue of At Home in Maharishi Vastu®—The Newsletter of Maharishi Vedic Architecture.

© Copyright 2012 Maharishi Vastu® Architecture

Global Good News comment:

* Vastu refers to Vedic architecture—the complete knowledge of design and building in accord with natural law—brought to light from the Vedic literature by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi as Maharishi Sthapatya Veda.

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