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Establishing the experience of inner silence and wholeness 'on a very scientific, reliable ground'
by Global Good News staff writer

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3 July 2012

On 3 July, Maharaja Adhiraj Rajaraam, honoured by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi as first ruler of the Global Country of World Peace, continued to comment on Maharishi's lifelong achievements during the celebration of Guru Purnima.

Please see Part I of this article: 'Life is naturally full': Celebrating Maharishi's achievements, in which Maharaja praised Maharishi's achievement in establishing the knowledge and experience of the field of infinite silence at the basis of all existence 'on a very scientific, reliable ground [of] unchallengeable authenticity', in Maharishi's words.

Maharaja went on to say that those who practise Transcendental Meditation and its advanced techniques know from their own experience, and from that of others around them, 'the experience of bliss, enlightenment, and fullness of life that Maharishi has brought to the world' from the Vedic tradition. In Maharishi's having made the direct experience of this field widely available through his technologies of consciousness, it was being enlivened in the consciousness of people throughout the world; and it was upheld 'even on the objective, scientific level'.

Maharaja elaborated on the theme of the scientific basis of this knowledge. He presented Maharishi's explanation of this ultimate reality of infinite, unbounded bliss as 'Total Knowledge, the reverberation of the Veda, the sounds of the Veda, . . . the vibrations of Natural Law. What is knowledge? It's the Veda, Veda is knowledge—Total Knowledge of the Veda.'

This is what Maharishi has enlivened and structured, Maharaja said, 'when he has with the scientists studied the Unified Field of Natural Law, and the Lagrangian [mathematical formulas] of the Unified Field. When he has with all the 600-700 scientific research studies [on Transcendental Meditation] shown how silence enlivens Natural Law and creates order in the human physiology. When he has enlivened and seen and demonstrated how Veda is in every field of chemistry and biology, and when Veda ''zoomed forth'' under his guidance to be the structure of the human physiology of every one of us. . . .'

Maharaja was referring to his discovery, under Maharishi's guidance, of the precise correspondence of all aspects of the Veda and Vedic literature with the structures and functions of human physiology.

After leaving 'the silence of the Himalayas' to begin teaching Transcendental Meditation around the world over 50 years ago, Maharishi's lifelong work 'has reached great fulfilment in seeing that silence, that infinity, that perfection in its silent and dynamic aspects, which are the reverberations of the sounds of the Veda . . . . seeing all of this in every individual, in every aspect of creation'.

Its acceptance 'on a scientific level, on the level of today's language, and today's objective demonstration'—is a very profound achievement, Maharaja said, as 'it raises every individual to the cosmic level of pure Being: that everyone can live and be the reality of wholeness, the reality of infinity.'

Global Good News will feature more highlights of Maharaja Adhiraj Rajaraam's remarks during the 3 July celebration.

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