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Celebrating the 'infinite organizing power of Natural Law on the move' - Maharishi
by Global Good News staff writer

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3 July 2012

The 3 July celebration of Guru Purnima continued with the conclusion of a beautiful address by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, Founder of the Global Country of World Peace, on this occasion in July 1995.

Please see Parts I and II of this article:
Honouring the Vedic tradition of knowledge
'The dawn of a new fortune for all life on earth: Wholeness on the move' – Maharishi
for more highlights of Maharishi's address, in which he described the profound significance of the day in celebrating the achievement of 'wholeness on the move'. Maharishi continued:

'It's a big cosmic move. Vedo'ham—I am the Veda. Totality, Brahm, Aham Brahmasmi (I am Totality). . . .

'This year's achievement is the wholeness on the move, and that on a very scientific, reliable ground. Unchallengeable authenticity is there in this move of wholeness, invincible move of wholeness, infinite organizing power of Natural Law on the move.

'We have the science of wholeness, and we have the technology of wholeness, and we have the precision, mathematical precision of the move of wholeness. These years our achievement has been: absolute number, in the field of mathematics. The absolute number which calculates in precision the world of wholeness. The expression ''wholeness on the move''—here wholeness, here wholeness, here wholeness—the wholeness on the move, Totality on the move. For thousands of years, this Totality on the move, this life being lived on the ground of wholeness.

'That Brahmi chetana,* we know that in terms of unity. That Unity Consciousness—move. In that move is the absolute state of law, precision of law: the law that maintains wholeness all the time; that invincible power of law that maintains wholeness when the wholeness is on the move.

'Wholeness on the move is a self-interacting dynamics of life, Totality on the move. This on the transcendental level gets into the structures of the expressions of knowledge, Vedic expressions.'

Global Good News will also report highlights of the address given during the 3 July celebration in MERU, Holland by Maharaja Adhiraj Rajaraam, honoured by Maharishi as first ruler of the Global Country of World Peace; and remarks of other speakers.

* Brahmi chetana: Unity Consciousness. In the understanding of higher states of consciousness brought to light from the ancient Vedic tradition of knowledge by Maharishi, Unity Consciousness is the seventh state of consciousness, the highest state of human development.

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