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Creating the foundation for enlightenment and invincibility for one billion citizens of Africa - Maharishi's first visit in 1961
by Global Good News staff writer

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10 February 2012

The unfolding success of the 14-nation tour of Africa by Dr Bevan Morris, Prime Minister of the Global Country of World Peace, is also significant in light of the Golden Jubilee anniversary of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi's first visit to the continent in 1961.

Please see Part I of this series.

Continuing to comment on the historical significance of the Golden Jubilee celebrations, Dr Chris Crowell, Minister of Religion and Culture of the Global Country of World Peace, described Maharishi's first visit to Africa in 1961.

On 23 August 1961, Maharishi arrived in Nairobi, the capital city of Kenya, as part of his second world tour to bring spiritual regeneration to all mankind. The nation was alive with the spirit of freedom and independence, Dr Crowell said.

'Maharishi arrived in Kenya at a time when the atmosphere was filled with a sense of great freedom and transition from being under colonial rule, to self determination, all possibilities. It was a time of real importance in the destiny of that nation and in the destiny of the continent as a whole,' he explained.

'Maharishi remarked on this atmosphere and noticed how the people were really very excited to be embracing this new time that was coming for their country.'

In this auspicious atmosphere, Maharishi instructed over 200 of the country's most prominent citizens in the Transcendental Meditation Technique in the capital city, Nairobi. Thus Nairobi became the first city of Africa to establish a centre of the Spiritual Regeneration Movement, the organization bringing Maharishi's knowledge to the world at that time.

'With this Maharishi launched his programmes in Africa,' Dr Crowell said. Many times throughout the years he would come back to Africa, 'and inspire the leadership and citizens of this continent to bring the valuable benefits of Vedic knowledge to all of the people,' which can transform life in the direction of enlightenment and invincibility.

Looking back 50 years later during this Golden Jubilee anniversary, Dr Crowell commented, one can appreciate all the attention that Maharishi gave to the people and nations of Africa, and all that his programmes offer 'for an end to all suffering, conflict, poverty, and disease for the people of this great continent'.

Maharishi's focus encompassed both the full development of individual life in enlightenment and the creation of coherence and harmony on the level of the whole society. Maharishi's initiatives have included:

Invincible Defence—the elimination of conflict through the establishment of large groups of peace-creating experts practising Transcendental Meditation and its advanced techniques including Yogic Flying;
∙ Promoting cultural integrity and traditional parental administration through mother tongue;
∙ Integrated rehabilitation of prisoners and a humane approach to social justice;
∙ Consciousness-Based Education to enliven total brain potential;
∙ Natural prevention-oriented health care to create a disease-free society; and
∙ Large-scale Vedic organic agriculture projects to promote affluence and a high standard of living.

'The light of Maharishi's knowledge and programmes is now shining brightly in Africa with the attention of all the teachers of the Transcendental Meditation Programme,' Dr Crowell said. In addition, new teachers are being trained 'to guide all areas of society in the development of consciousness and life in accord with Natural Law—helping create the permanent foundation for enlightenment, invincibility, and peace to blossom for over one billion citizens of Africa.'

Global Good News will continue to feature the Golden Jubilee celebrations in Africa, including the progress of Dr Morris's tour , and the Invincible Africa Knowledge Series of historic lectures given by Maharishi in Africa, prepared by Dr Ann Crowell.

For more information about the Invincible Africa Golden Jubilee Tour, and about Maharishi's programmes in Africa, please contact:

See related articles:
Invincible Africa Golden Jubilee tour: Dr Bevan Morris reports from West Africa
Invincible Africa Golden Jubilee Tour: Celebrating 50 years of Maharishi's programmes in Africa

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