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Does Transcendental Meditation differ from other techniques? reports

Transcendental Meditation - Ireland    Translate This Article
4 January 2012

Maharishi's Transcendental Meditation technique has been taught in Ireland for over 40 years. In that time, teachers say, all kinds of people have been successfully instructed: sceptical/enthusiastic, agitated/relaxed, old/young, male/female.

The newly launched website addresses some of the most common questions about the technique, including:

There are so many 'meditation' techniques out there, how is TM different?

∙ See How Meditation Techniques Compare—Zen, Mindfulness, Transcendental Meditation and more

Many programmes advocate 'managing stress' by advising people how to avoid high-pressure situations, recommend mental imagery exercises, and advocate changes in lifestyle to reduce stress. They are helpful in their own right but are not nearly enough.

With Transcendental Meditation one is not trying to manage stress, one is systematically dissolving it. One becomes better equipped to meet all the responsibilities and challenges in life, not reduce them.

Some people who learn Transcendental Meditation have already tried other forms of meditation or relaxation, either from a self-help book or a class. They are often pleasantly surprised at the effortlessness of TM and the speed at which they get benefits. The Transcendental Meditation technique, as taught by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, is a rediscovery of the natural, effortless nature of proper meditation.

The idea that TM is just another form of meditation, whose extensive significant research results can be generically extended to any other form of meditation, is unsupported scientifically.

Source: Transcendental Meditation - Ireland,

© Copyright 2012 Maharishi International University (Ireland) Ltd.

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