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Mongolians enthusiastic for Transcendental Meditation
by Global Good News staff writer

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15 December 2011

Transcendental Meditation and other programmes of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi are becoming increasingly popular in Mongolia, say Transcendental Meditation teachers involved in the area.

The year 2011 saw new people learn to meditate, while others deepened their experiences with Transcendental Meditation and become more involved in creating coherence in Mongolia through Maharishi's programmes.

The country has a strong Buddhist heritage and a natural appreciation for meditation and powerful, reflective techniques of self-improvement. This has led to a very strong and dedicated group of Transcendental Meditation practitioners, a group which is actively involved in events and celebrations in Mongolia.

The types of people interested in Transcendental Meditation are diverse. They include educators, business people, architects, city planners, and an entire Rotary Club. The subject of meditation, and Transcendental Meditation in particular, was discussed in a public forum at a recent conference entitled The Ways to Reach Enlightenment.

In the past year, new teachers of Transcendental Meditation have been trained and several hundred people have learned the technique.

The Transcendental Meditation centre in the capital Ulan Bator offers introductory lectures on Transcendental Meditation as well as hosting special events and projects. It also has a range of programmes for people already meditating, including group meditations and advanced lectures about Maharishi's Vedic Science and technologies of consciousness.

In addition, an in-residence World Peace Assembly course was held in November. The course was designed for meditators seeking to deepen their experiences while generating a peaceful, coherent influence in national consciousness through group practice of the advanced Transcendental Meditation Sidhi Programme, including Yogic Flying.

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