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Maharishi's Thanksgiving Day address, 24 November 1983 - 'The whole world is turned within'
by Global Good News staff writer

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24 November 2011

On Thursday, 24 November, the traditional American holiday of Thanksgiving, a webcast continued of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi's historic address on Thanksgiving Day in 1983 at the College of Natural Law, Washington, DC.

Please see Part I of this article.

Having praised America as the most creative country in the world, with its roots in the infinite creativity of the Unified Field of all the laws of nature, the source of all creation, Maharishi continued his address:

'When we analyse the mechanics of Thanksgiving and the nature of the Unified Field, then we find ourselves in the right position of welcoming the Unified Field based civilization—a perfect civilization, an ideal civilization for all mankind for all future.

'Thanksgiving is bringing to our awareness, and on that basis identifying ourselves, with the past. Thanksgiving, starting the thanksgiving to the Creator, God, nature, laws of nature, the self-referral state of infinite possibilities; and then the emergence of specific laws of nature from there; and from there the emergence of the whole universe. Unified diversity. Emergence from the infinite unified state to unbounded diversified state, and both together, the universe.

'Identifying ourselves with the past means identifying our mind with the whole state of the Unified Field, the source of creation; and all the creative processes, and all the evolutionary forces and mechanics of survival and fulfilment. Identification of our conscious mind with the entire mechanics of creation, survival, evolution, fulfilment.

'And this is that day when all the people in the country and abroad throughout the world, as the people of this country are spread, there is that one common retreat into the source of life.

'Everyone's awareness is tracing back to the source. This universal awakening in the self-referral direction of pure existence, pure intelligence, infinite creativity, infinite organizing power of nature—this withdrawal, this inward stroke, this inward stroke in the process of drawing more and more energy, identifying ourselves with the source of all energy. The whole world is turned within.

This is that fortunate day where the awareness of all mankind is turned within. One day, one day that millions of people at home and abroad, all turning inwards. The whole human race is on the way to deriving maximum creativity, maximum intelligence, and maximum vitality for survival and fulfilment. The whole human race in one performance.'

Global Good News will continue to feature Maharishi's historic address from Thanksgiving Day, 24 November 1983.

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