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How the multiplicity of creation unfolds from one unified reality
by Global Good News staff writer
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6 October 2011
On Victory Day, 6 October, Maharaja Adhiraj Rajaraam, honoured by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi as first ruler of the Global Country of World Peace, continued his address, giving a profound discourse about different levels of total knowledge of Natural Law which are available in the Veda and Vedic literature.
Please see Part I, Part II, and Part III of this article.
'One of the most basic aspects of that one reality is simple,' Maharaja said—the sound A, the first syllable of Rk Veda. 'It's A, A, A. That is the one unified reality. So that sound, that vibration, is Total Knowledge.' Maharaja went on to explain how all the multiplicity of Natural Law expressed in the Vedic literature unfolds from A, beginning with the first Richa (verse), first Sukta (stanza), and first Mandala (chapter) of Rk Veda.*
'And there we see the structure of Natural Law being observed from a most unified singularity level—single level, unified level, one sound—into all the different structures that we have seen that become the actual sounds of the Vedic literature. And Rk Veda therefore becomes truly the sounds and silence, the dynamics and silence of total Natural Law, complete on that level.
'One level is one, another level is two, another level is three, another level is four, another level is eight', eventually arriving at 192. 'So that 192 expressed in so many Suktas, and then the entire Rk Veda, and the entire Vedic literature—is one level of expression which is more expressed than the silent, but it is total and complete on its own level. That is the Totality expressed in 192 syllables, and then 192 Suktas.
'Maharishi has seen this so beautifully, so profoundly,' Maharaja said, 'and has seen that this whole Totality is the basis of the construction of the entire universe. And that's how it was possible to see that the structure of the universe, the structure of our own human physiology, is based on these sounds—and based on the structure of these sounds.
'Veda is not something to be interpreted as a philosophy, or to look at it and study it, on the surface level; because it can never on that surface level give the total knowledge of Natural Law.
'So that is one kind of supreme knowledge, one level of supreme knowledge.
'In Veda there are other levels of Total Knowledge, supreme knowledge; within the Vedic structure, within the Vedic dynamics of the sound, there are different levels.' If we consider particular aspects of the Vedic literature, for example Ayur-Veda (Vedic knowledge of health) or Sthapatya Veda (Vedic architecture), Maharaja said, 'they give actual instructions, actual structures of how to live life in a specific way, in a specific form, and they give specific laws. So that is also some aspect of Natural Law that is explained in laws as we understand them, and the structure of laws.'
Global Good News will continue to feature the address of Maharaja Adhiraj Rajaraam on Victory Day. In the latter part of his address Maharaja presented his new book, Ramayana in Human Physiology, recently completed. He gave a profound discussion of the knowledge contained in the book, which gives a complete and detailed understanding of how the knowledge of total Natural Law and ideal administration described in the Ramayana, part of the Itihas aspect of the Vedic literature, is expressed in all the structures and functions of human physiology.
* Maharaja is referring to Maharishi's Apaurusheya Bhashya, his commentary on the sequential unfoldment of Natural Law in the Veda and Vedic literature.
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