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Victory of the invincible field of total Natural Law to create wholeness and fullness of life
by Global Good News staff writer

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6 October 2011

During the celebration of Victory Day on 6 October 2011, Maharaja Adhiraj Rajaraam, honoured by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi as first ruler of the Global Country of World Peace, gave a beautiful address about the invincible nature of total knowledge of Natural Law—available in the silent, unbounded field of pure consciousness of every individual—to create wholeness and fullness of life for every individual and the whole society.

This Victory Day, Mahariaja said, is 'a joyful day, a day of light and perfection, dawning from the infinite source of all creativity, all intelligence, and all light—the source of all life, the field of silence, pure silence.' Maharaja praised Maharishi, the founder of the Global Country of World Peace, 'who has brought to light supreme knowledge to raise life above all difficulties, and be victor over all obstacles and create enlightenment in the life of individual, and Heaven on Earth for society.

'Maharishi has given us supreme knowledge; and Maharishi's work, Maharishi's time in the world, has been to bring life to be truly on a Vedic level, to create Vedic civilization.' Maharaja went on to explain that ' ''Vedic civilization'' is not a specific culture, a specific way of life. Vedic civilization is a civilization based on Total Knowledge—Veda means knowledge.

'Supreme knowledge is available in the Veda, Total Knowledge of life is available in the Veda. Supreme knowledge is available in the self-referral pure consciousness, pure Being. Supreme knowledge is available in the Unified Field. Supreme knowledge is available in the literature of Veda, it's available in the Itihas, in Ramayana.

'How is this possible that supreme knowledge is available in so many ways, in so many different places? What is supreme knowledge? Supreme knowledge is simple—just to know everything, and everything about everything; and to know what is best at every moment, in every aspect of one's life: one's choices, one's decisions for oneself, for one's society, for the world.'

Global Good News will continue to feature the address of Maharaja Adhiraj Rajaraam on Victory Day, in which he went on to discuss how to gain knowledge of this supreme level of Natural Law which conducts the affairs of everything in the universe. Towards the end of his address, Maharaja presented his new book, Ramayana in Human Physiology, which gives a complete and detailed understanding of how the total knowledge of Natural Law and ideal administration contained in the Ramayana is expressed in the all the structures and functions of the human physiology.

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