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Japan: Transcendental Meditation Programme establishes coherence-creating groups to support reconstruction
by Global Good News staff writer

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10 July 2011

Many initiatives to support the recovery of their nation are being implemented by organizations teaching the Transcendental Meditation Programme in Japan, in the wake of the massive earthquake, tsunami, and nuclear disaster earlier this year.

All the Japanese people are determined to reconstruct Japan, said an administrator of the Transcendental Meditation Programme in the country recently. All the teachers and practitioners of Transcendental Meditation are well, he said, and are deeply focused on applying this knowledge and technology of consciousness very dynamically—to promote relief from traumatic stress and create a coherent atmosphere in the nation to support progress in reconstruction.

In April a campaign was launched to create a new Japan through expansion of the Transcendental Meditation Programme.

One important area of focus is the formation of coherence-creating groups of meditators practising together twice a day. In addition to the many scientifically documented benefits of the technique for individuals, including reduced stress and anxiety, and improved health—many studies have also described the powerful influence of harmony and positivity generated in collective consciousness when large groups practise Transcendental Meditation and its advanced programmes together.

During April, a company with 200 employees learned Transcendental Meditation with the aim of becoming such a coherence-creating group. Instruction in the advanced Transcendental Meditation Sidhi Programme, including Yogic Flying, will soon begin in this company.

The first group of refugees in areas devastated by the earthquake and tsunami learned Transcendental Meditation in May, and is expanding now.

Another strategy for increasing national coherence is a 'unified time programme' that has been implemented via the Internet, to coordinate the time of group practice among many Yogic Flyers who live throughout the country. On 29 April, more than 800 meditators and Yogic Flyers in groups in different cities, as well as those meditating individually in their homes, practised together at the same time, creating another wave of coherence in the nation.

The programme is continuing and expanding more and more, the administrator said, and everyone is resolved to establish large, permanent coherence-creating groups, in order to create an invincible state of peace, progress, safety, health, and prosperity for their nation.

Global Good News will continue to report on initiatives of the Transcendental Meditation Programme in Japan to support reconstruction of the country.

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