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Placement, proportion, natural building materials: Vedic architecture principles support ideal homes, cities    Translate This Article
26 May 2011

Maharishi Vedic architecture—also known as Maharishi Vastu—and Vedic city planning utilize several fundamental principles to create homes, communities, and cities that support health and happiness. These principles include placement, proportion, and natural building materials.

The website explains that 'as the sun seemingly traverses the sky from east to west it generates different energies. This influence of the sun on different parts of a structure, as well as particular laws of nature that are more lively in certain areas, determine in Maharishi Vedic architecture and planning the suitable place for the various functions of a city and community, or for the different rooms in a building.

Vedic measurements and proportions
'Another unique feature of Maharishi Vedic architecture and planning is that the measurements and proportions of any layout and structure are calculated according to ancient cosmic formulas, thus connecting individual life with Cosmic Life. Every part is connected to the whole to promote health, wealth, and happiness of every individual and the community at large.

Auspicious timing
' ''Well begun is half done.'' For special moments, such as the first breaking of the ground, the laying of the first foundation for the village and every building, and the final completion and inauguration, auspicious times are calculated according to Maharishi Vedic astrology for maximum beneficial influence for the undertaking.

Natural, non-toxic building materials and sustainable systems
'In ancient Vedic architecture and planning only natural building materials and systems were used. This point falls more in the category of ''common sense'' to not violate one's own health and the health of one's environment. However in present days, this awareness of being in tune with oneself and nature is only now starting to be appreciated on a larger scale, after the mixed advancements of the industrial age have left their harmful marks on society and the planet.

'We support the implementation of pure, natural, non-toxic building materials, energy-efficient construction, and the use of all kinds of sustainable systems, such as solar and other cost-effective, self-sufficient, non-polluting energies, sustainable, and local, organic agriculture for self-sufficiency in food.'

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