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Maharishi Vedic architecture connects individual life with Cosmic Intelligence
by Global Good New staff writer

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12 January 2011

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi explained that Maharishi Sthapatya Veda* architecture connects 'individual intelligence with cosmic intelligence, by aligning the individual structure with the global structure and the cosmic structure of the sun, moon, planets, and stars,' said Dr Eike Hartmann, Minister of Architecture of the Global Country of World Peace.

Maharishi's Vedic Science explains that the individual is cosmic, Dr Hartmann said, addressing the global 12 January celebration in MERU, Holland.

'As inferred by . . . gravity readings from deep space', the universe is 96% dark matter or dark energy and only 4% manifest atoms. 'Comparing manifest and unmanifest parts of the universe with the human brain potential, both are of the same proportion,' he said. In the human brain about 95% is unused potential and only 5% of the brain is utilized.

'Even a pictorial comparison shows the similarity between the large scale structure of galaxies surrounded by dark matter on one side, and the neurons of the brain and their connection on the other side,' said Dr Hartmann, showing a slide depicting these two images.

'In our Milky Way alone there are 100 billion stars, which is the same number as the neurons we have in our brain,' he continued. 'That means there is a galaxy in our brain. The sun, moon, and all the planets have a one-to-one relationship to different parts of the brain.'**

'Vastu is defined by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi as the balancing intelligence of the universe. . . . Maharishi said that the best example of the supreme quality of architecture is the galactic universe itself—so enormous and ever expanding, yet never out of alignment. We can only submit to the unfathomable dignity of that architecture whose authenticity belongs to total Natural Law,' Dr Hartmann concluded.

* Maharishi Sthapatya Veda is Vedic architecture in accord with Natural Law, also known as  Maharishi Vastu.

** The historic discovery by Maharaja Adhiraj Raja Raam, First Ruler of the Global Country of World Peace, under Maharishi's guidance, shows this one-to-one relationship. His discovery reveals that the human physiology is the expression of total Natural Law contained in the Veda and the Vedic Literature.

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