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Maharishi University of Management leaders promote MUM community on national tour

Maharishi University of Management Achievements
Fairfield, Iowa, USA
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12 November 2010

Dr. Bevan Morris, President of Maharishi University of Management, and Dr. John Hagelin, MUM Trustee, have just completed a 30-day National Invincibility Tour to promote the invincibility* group in Fairfield and Maharishi Vedic City.

Dr. Morris and Dr. Hagelin toured separately, speaking to over 2,000 practitioners of the Transcendental Meditation® and TM-Sidhi® programs in 33 cities about the successful implementations of Maharishi VedicSM Technologies for World Peace such as the Maharishi VedicSM Pandit project in Maharishi Vedic City.

''When people hear the full range of everything that's happened in the world, and in Maharishi Vedic City, the University,Maharishi School, and the Assembly, people are amazed and awed by what has been achieved over the years,'' said President Morris. ''I feel there is great power in visiting each city, almost like a light is turning on, even from just the fact that someone came to speak to them.''

''I have been presenting the most exciting developments in astrophysics and cosmology that corroborate the reality of the unified field, revealing the vast expanse of the universe as the reflection of the unmanifest structure of the unified field, and showing that this is the structure of consciousness, the Self,'' Dr. Hagelin said.

''Building our Super Radiance numbers was the formal reason for the tour,'' said Dr. Hagelin. ''We are inviting people to come to our incredible community and experience the Invincible America Assembly, move there, to retire there. The response has been very warm. Quite a few people have expressed interest in coming, or rejoining our community.''

Ed Malloy, Mayor of Fairfield and MUM Trustee, joined Dr. Morris and Dr. Hagelin for part of the tour to talk about Fairfield's dynamic cultural scene, the city's green strategic plan, and the numerous national recognitions the city has received for being an entrepreneurial and artistic community.

''Many communities over the country focus on developing the highest quality of life and making their communities more livable,'' said Mayor Malloy. ''I think Fairfield has achieved that on such a high level that it has gained national distinctions.''

The tour represents one of the efforts to expand the Super Radiance group in Fairfield to at least 2000. ''With 2000 flying together, we will begin to see the desired changes taking place in society,'' Maharishi said.

To find out more about visiting or moving to Fairfield, go to:

* The Invincible America Assembly, established in 2006—a large group of Yogic Flyers in the MUM, Fairfield, and Maharishi Vedic City communities, whose twice-daily practice together in the Golden Domes at MUM creates a powerful influence of coherence and harmony in the collective consciousness of the US and the world.

© Copyright 2010 Maharishi University of Management

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