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United Kingdom: Maharishi European Sidhaland, for individual enlightenment and national invincibility
by Global Good News staff writer

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24 September 2010

At the end of August Maharishi European Sidhaland celebrated its 30th anniversary and the community's special coherence-creating role. Many residents participate in twice daily group practice of Maharishi's Transcendental Meditation and Transcendental Meditation Sidhi Programme, including Yogic Flying.

Dr Peter Warburton, Administrator of Great Britain for the Global Country of World Peace, explained that the purpose of Maharishi European Sidhaland is two-fold—enlightenment for individuals, which means 'everything that's good, perfect, and uplifting in life for ourselves'—and invincibility, which means the same on the national level: 'Nothing negative in the country, nothing negative can penetrate the nation from outside, and there is everything good for the nation.'

This also means the nation has a positive influence in the world as a whole, he continued. He said that ideally they would like to expand the group to 7,000-8,000 Yogic Flyers, because Maharishi had said no nation is an island these days. 'Great Britain may be an island on the geographical level, but no nation is separate from the influence of world consciousness, so to really secure invincibility for the nation, there must be a large enough group to secure global invincibility.

'That is our ultimate target,' Dr Warburton said. 'But this weekend, let's immediately resolve to secure national invincibility, and in that stroke secure our own enlightenment.'

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