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Mongolia: Global Mother Divine Organization reports achievements during Third International Congress
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23 July 2010
In Mongolia, the ever-expanding activities of the Global Mother Divine Organization* (GMDO) are creating a new momentum of progress for the ladies, mothers and girls of the nation.
A report from GMDO in Mongolia on recent achievements, which included colourful photos and a short film, was a highlight among many presentations from delegates from around the world on 23 July—the final day of the organization's Third International Congress in MERU, Holland.
Last August saw the first five Mongolian Teachers of the Transcendental Meditation Programme returning from their Training Course to teach in Mongolia.
The two lady Transcendental Meditation Teachers, as leaders of the Global Mother Divine Organization in Mongolia, compiled their achievements in the form of a short film which was shown at the Congress. At the end of the film, one of the Teachers wished 'enlightenment to all the ladies of the world, on behalf of all the ladies of Mongolia'.
The GMDO leader hosting the final day's presentations in MERU offered warm congratulations to both lady Teachers—'supported by all the lady practitioners of Yogic Flying and Transcendental Meditation—for their nourishing role in all the activities in this very special country, a rising star of Asia', during the previous six months. These included:
∙ Instructing many ladies in Transcendental Meditation;
∙ A highly successful education exhibition which yielded many important contacts;
∙ A project teaching Transcendental Meditation for the previous two weeks in a children's summer camp, where children from many different schools chose to learn the technique as their special activity;
∙ Setting up a project, starting in September in a large high school, to teach many students Transcendental Meditation, and to create an invincibility group of Yogic Flyers for the whole country;
∙ A large course in the Transcendental Meditation Sidhi Programme. Photos were shown of the lady Yogic Flyers' residential course; the Vedic experts who led the course enjoying the Mongolian winter at the course location; and the housing used for courses in Mongolia—traditional yurts.
∙ The two lady Teachers also arranged weekly conference calls, following group practice of Yogic Flying, with the Raj Rajeshwari* of Mongolia and members of the Mother Divine Programme.**
The host of the GMDO session in MERU, commenting on 'the close tie in Mongolia to nature and cultural tradition', concluded the report with photos of the ladies of Mongolia practising Transcendental Meditation outdoors, and the two GMDO leaders in traditional dress.
Also in context of the GMDO report, the Raj Rajeshwari for Mongolia acknowledged not only the blissful energy and dedication of all five Transcendental Meditation Teachers in Mongolia, but also the invaluable support and leadership of the Raja of Invincible Mongolia in all of their shared projects in the country. She also expressed her thanks for his great support for the development of the Global Mother Divine Organization in Mongolia.
In the coming days, Global Good News will continue reporting on GMDO delegates' reports from other countries, as well as on other presentations during the Congress.
* 'Mother Divine' refers to the nourishing, evolutionary power of Natural Law lively within all of creation and within the silent consciousness of everyone. The Global Mother Divine Organization, established in December 2007, is the ladies' wing of the Global Country of World Peace in 192 countries. Raj Rajeshwaris—Mothers of the World from the Sovereign Domain of Consciousness—are the Administrators of the Global Mother Divine Organization.
** The Mother Divine Programme, inaugurated in 1981, is an advanced fulltime programme for ladies to accelerate their progress to higher states of consciousness and enliven 24-hour bliss in daily life. Their role is also to radiate a powerful global influence of harmony and bliss in large, permanent coherence-creating groups of Yogic Flyers, and through administering the activities of the Global Mother Divine Organization worldwide.
© Copyright 2010 Global Mother Divine Organization
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