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Argentina: Video displays architectural plans for Vastu community
by Global Good News staff writer

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4 January 2010

A new video displays detailed plans for the soon-to-be-established Vastu community in Florencio Varela, Argentina, near Buenos Aires. The community, designed and to be built according to principles of Maharishi Sthapatya Veda (Vedic Architecture), will include a Maharishi Tower of Invincibility, two Maharishi Invincibility Schools, and 100 Vastu homes.

Please see a previous Global Good News article about this new community in Argentina.

The video was created by architects in the administration of Dr Julio Pereyra, Mayor of Florencio Varela, under the supervision of Dr Eike Hartmann, Minister of Architecture for the Global Country of World Peace. It was shown recently on Maharishi Global Family Chat* by Raja Jose Luis Alvarez, Raja of Invincible Latin America for the Global Country of World Peace.

The video begins by explaining that the community will be built utilizing the ancient techniques of Maharishi Sthapatya Veda, or Vastu, and that it will take into account lifestyle, culture, environmental responsibility, and harmony with Natural Law to create coherence and well-being in the community. The community will offer the beauty of nature and the convenience of proximity to the nation's capital, Buenos Aires.

The land for the community, chosen carefully according to Vastu principles, has a total area of 12 hectares. This will include 23,000 square metres of land for public recreation and 2,400 square metres of roads. In general, the layout of the neighbourhood will be such to encourage the personal and collective success of its inhabitants.

The Brahmasthan (geographic centre) of the land, where the Maharishi Tower of Invincibility and two schools will be located, has an area of 7,900 square metres. The Tower itself, consisting of 1,900 square metres over 12 floors, will hold exhibition halls, offices, and consultation rooms, among other features.

The Invincibility Schools, one for boys and one for girls, will employ Consciousness-Based Education to awaken the full developmental potential of students. The two large school buildings will include a computer room, an exercise room, and a gallery for exhibitions, among other features. They will also host an education centre where all aspects of Vedic knowledge will be available for study and application, including health, agriculture, defence, commerce, science and technology, and communication.

The homes will be built in several different styles, to accommodate the daily needs of their occupants. They will be surrounded by green spaces to allow communion with nature, and will incorporate natural sunlight. Perfectly in accord with Natural Law, these homes will allow residents to live happier, healthier, more productive lives.

At the conclusion of the video, Raja Luis commented that he can see the project becoming a reality. He praised the architects for creating such skillful representations of the community, as well as Mayor Pereyra for his ongoing dedication to the project.

∙ See the following article for more about state-of-the-art features of Maharishi Towers of Invincibility planned all over the world.

* Raja Luis's report was featured on the 22 December 2009 Maharishi Global Family Chat, broadcast daily via Internet webcast on the Maharishi Channel, Channel 3. Podcasts of the daily Global Family Chat (audio track) are also now available for automatic download, via an RSS feed.

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