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Maharishi Vedic Pandits of India to bring peace, health, wisdom to the world: Raja Harris Kaplan speaks on Day of Perfect Health
by Global Good News staff writer

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25 October 2009

The Maharishi Vedic Pandits of India will bring health, peace, and wisdom to the world, said Raja Harris Kaplan, Raja of Invincible India for the Global Country of World Peace, introducing the recent global celebration of Dhanvantari, the Day of Perfect Health in the Vedic Calendar.

'Perfect health means, of course, life in fulfilment. Life where the wishes of the wisher are fulfilled effortlessly, and the glory of divine life is lived here on earth. . . .

'Maharishi Mahesh Yogi gave us a glimpse into the enormity of what Dhanvantari means', Raja Harris continued. Maharishi described Dhanvantari as an aspect of the level of total intelligence, total Natural Law, he said. 'It's that aspect whose vitally connects the infinite, and infinitely powerful, unmanifest source of creation with the manifest expression of that source, which governs the entire universe. . . .

'Dhanvantari is capable of really being the custodian of health, as well as the custodian of wealth, and the custodian of wisdom. In the great gift that Maharishi gave to the world, which is the promise of Raam Raj,* he not only awakened the knowledge of Dhanvantari, and the enormous significance of today, but he gave the world the most sublime practical programme to accomplish the fulfilment of that level of experience for everybody everywhere.'

Raja Harris quoted Maharishi as saying: 'It's a measured step I've taken, it's a measured step, knowing full well that having a large group of Maharishi Vedic Pandits will accomplish the goal of bringing peace, health, wealth, and wisdom to the whole world.'

Raja Harris concluded, 'It's very great joy to celebrate that today with the world,' and invited the Vedic Pandits at the Brahma-Sthan of India (geographical centre of the nation) to begin the celebration with their traditional ceremonial recitations.

* Raam Raj: The full awakening of total Natural Law in the consciousness of every individual, and in the collective consciousness of every nation and the entire world, through Maharishi's programmes, creating a state of invincible permanent peace, happiness, and prosperity for the entire world—Heaven on Earth.

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For the good news about Maharishi's seven-point programme to create a healthy, happy, prosperous society, and a peaceful world, please visit: Global Financial Capital of New York.

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