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Netherlands: Potential for Peace Colonies expanding
by Global Good News staff writer

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2 October 2009

Hundreds of individuals and several municipalities in Holland are eager to have Maharishi Vedic Architecture homes and Peace Colonies.*

Dr Paul Gelderloos, National Director of Invincible Holland for the Global Country of World Peace, recently reported about potential expansion of Maharishi Vedic Architecture in the nation, along with Ger Lieve, director of the Maharishi Sthapatya Veda development company, 'Fortuinlijk Wonen' (Fortunate Living).

There is support in one municipality for the construction of a Maharishi Peace Colony of 150-200 homes, and suitable land is being sought. In the past, there have been various challenges for Maharishi Sthapatya Veda construction in the nation, and there are currently 300 people on a waiting list who want to live in Vastu homes.

One possible site for a Peace Colony is about 50 hectares in total; approximately eight hectares would be utilized for construction of 200 homes, with possibilities for further construction in the future. The land is flat and no roads have been put in yet, so even the layout of the roads can be perfectly tailored to the principles of Maharishi Vedic Architecture, Mr Lieve said.

The city where the land is located has had hardly any expansion recently, so the creation of a Peace Colony is viewed as great news—not only for those already familiar with the programmes of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, but also for everyone in the area, he explained. Construction could begin approximately a year and a half after planning begins with local officials; and then in two and half years, about 50 houses could be occupied.

Other municipalities are interested as well. One city that had previously turned down a proposed building initiative is now requesting a Peace Colony in the city.

Another major city has expressed interest in construction of thousands of homes on 250 hectares surrounded by large expanses of fields, forest, and parkland. They are considering Maharishi Vedic Architecture as a possibility.

Interest in Maharishi Vedic Architecture has also increased through symposia, which have attracted about 200 people. The goal is to have 20 Peace Colonies in Holland in the next 10 years—each with 150-200 houses, Mr Lieve concluded.

*Maharishi Peace Colony: A community founded to help create invincibility for a nation, based on the principles of Maharishi's Vedic Science and their practical applications for living perfection in all areas of life—featuring homes and buildings for group practice of Yogic Flying, as well as for Maharishi's programmes in education and health care—all built according to Vedic Architecture, Maharishi Sthapatya Veda.

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