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Maharaja Adhiraj Rajaraam addresses global Victory Day celebration, 28 September 2009: 'Victory over ignorance, non-truth, boundaries'
by Global Good News staff writer
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28 September 2009
During the global celebration of Victory Day on 28 September 2009, Maharaja Adhiraj Rajaraam, First Ruler of the Global Country of World Peace, gave a beautiful address, speaking on the live webcast from MERU, Holland.
Victory Day, the auspicious day of Vijaya Dashmi in the Vedic Calendar, is one of 12 yearly festivals to be held globally, inspired by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, Founder of the Global Country of World Peace, to declare the invincibility of every nation.
Following the traditional Vedic recitations by Vedic Pandits at the Global Capital of World Peace at the Brahma-Sthan (auspicious geographical centre) of India and in MERU, Raja Harris Kaplan, Raja of Invincible India for the Global Country of World Peace, invited Maharaja to give his blessings to the celebration
Raja Harris explained that, in bestowing this title on Maharaja Adhiraj Rajaraam, Maharishi was aligning Maharaja and his administration with the eternal administration of the universe, and also was honouring and expressing his trust in Maharaja.
Maharaja Adhiraj Rajaraam began by explaining that victory over darkness, victory over ignorance, victory over non-truth, victory over boundaries, is a reality that is being celebrated today, and that victory has never been assumed, given, and presented on such a scale in the history of mankind as Maharishi has given to the world today.
'That victory can be celebrated in every moment in one's life,' Maharaja said, 'on the small scale of one's individual reality, and the scales of one's society, one's nation'—but also, he said, as Maharishi's knowledge and programmes are accomplishing throughout the world, 'on the highest scale of the entire world's consciousness, enlivening it in the entire universe.
'When we think of that victory today and we celebrate it, we are really seeing its value beyond even what is bad and what is good. It is beyond the perception of any limited value of understanding.
'The victory is truly a victory of Wholeness over the point—Wholeness accepting the point, being made out of infinite points—and at the same time, enlivening and awakening its own reality in every point. That is why that victory is beyond even the understanding of what is good, or limited good; or what is bad, or limited bad; or big bad, or big good.'
Maharaja Adhiraj Rajaraam then explained that the supreme values of good and bad, and the desire for the supreme good or bad, are embodied in the Vedic Literature—by Arjuna as the exemplary aspect of the supreme good, in the Bhagavad-Gita; and by Ravana as the supreme level of bad, in the Ramayana.
He explained that the value of the victory in both the Mahabharata* and Ramayana, and the ultimate teaching of the supreme Master or Guru [spiritual teacher] who brings the light from darkness in the Mahabharata and in all of the Vedic Literature, were one and the same in Krishna in the Bhagavad-Gita and in Ram in the Ramayana.
In the coming days Global Good News will feature the continuation of Maharaja Adhiraja Rajaraam's address and his explanation of the victory of truth over non-truth; the victory of enlightenment over ignorance, and the victory of unboundedness over the point value.
* One aspect of Itihas in the Vedic Literature, of which the Bhagavad-Gita forms the central episode.
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