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New websites respond to rising public interest in Transcendental Meditation
by Global Good News staff writer

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27 August 2009

Responding to increasing public interest in the Transcendental Meditation Programme, new communication channels have been launched on the Internet.

Earlier this year, David Lynch Foundation Television introduced a website (DLF.TV) showcasing the development of consciousness and creativity through the Transcendental Meditation Technique. Geared to young people, the site inspires and entertains visitors through video interviews with musicians, artists, sports enthusiasts, and others. Also featured are conferences on the benefits of the Transcendental Meditation Programme in schools and other projects sponsored by the David Lynch Foundation. (Please also see previous article.)

Several channels on YouTube feature the programmes of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, Founder of the Transcendental Meditation Programme and the Global Country of World Peace. Gems of Maharishi's knowledge—short videos of Maharishi speaking on a variety of topics—are available for all to enjoy on the Maharishi Channel on YouTube.*

Another channel on YouTube features prominent people describing, in their own words, the benefits they have experienced from practising Transcendental Meditation.**

Students and staff at Maharishi University of Management developed a channel on YouTube about the university and Consciousness-Based Education.***

The main website for information about the Transcendental Meditation Technique,, is continually updated with inspiring new features. Visitors can see how the programme is being applied in different areas of society, such as schools, medical research on depression, heart disease, ADHD, and more. A 'distinguished lecture series' is being developed, in which accomplished people who practise Transcendental Meditation will speak about its benefits for developing creativity and success. Visitors will be able to register on the site to receive the distinguished lecture series, invitations to live video conferences, as well as additional material related to their interests.

Another concept in development is a 'video cafe', featuring people from all walks of life, ages, and professions. Visitors to the site will be able to select short video interviews of different individuals—students, artists, lawyers, etc—speaking about their personal experience of the Transcendental Meditation Technique.

Dr Mario Orsatti, National Director of Communication for the Global Country of World Peace in the United States, says these new ideas will engage people in active participation, providing the knowledge and inspiration they are seeking.

* Maharishi Channel on You Tube:

** Maharishi University of Management Channel on YouTube:

*** The Transcendental Meditation Programme on YouTube:

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