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Offering bliss and removing suffering from every corner of the earth: Address of Dr Girish Chandra Varma
by Global Good News staff writer
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29 July 2009
During his Guru Purnima Day* address on 7 July 2009, Dr Girish Chandra Varma**, National Director of the Global Country of World Peace in India, expressed his wish that the world be blessed 'with Total Knowledge, infinite organizing power, perfect health, abundance of wealth, spiritual understanding, everlasting peace, invincibility, ideal Vastu living; and problem-free, balanced, suffering-free, blissful and heavenly Vedic life.
Dr Varma said that Maharishi Mahesh Yogi 'gave the technique to the world to enjoy Totality in life'. Maharishi 'saw in the world that people are suffering. And [Maharishi] said . . . suffering is not good—deep within you [within everyone] is bliss consciousness. Life is bliss.'
Maharishi 'kindly and delightfully shared with millions' the 'blessings of Shri Guru Dev',*** Dr Varma said. Maharishi 'trained thousands of Teachers and Administrators of this generation—and designed a total package of knowledge, and practical programmes in such an organized way, and a systematic way, that anyone following [his] instructions can easily offer bliss, and can remove suffering from every corner of this earth,' he continued.
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi did 'so much for humanity in . . . fifty years of time', Dr Varma said. He was 'not a common human being'.
Dr Varma, who is also Director-General of the Global Capital of World Peace at the Brahma-Sthan [geographical centre] of India, continued with a summary of achievements of the past year in India. 'Many targets are achieved, and many are in progress of manifesting,' he said.
The Maharishi World Peace Movement, inaugurated one year ago, is receiving a very good response all over India. It now has over 21,000 active participants, and the goal is to expand to 100,000.
In one location in India, there are 7,000 Maharishi Vedic Pandits in residential facilities, creating peace and coherence through their daily practice of the Transcendental Meditation Programme, Transcendental Meditation Sidhi Programme including Yogic Flying, and the performance of Yagyas for individuals and nations. 'Out of this 7,000 group, 1,000 Vedic Pandits have gone to Maharishi Vedic City, and are participating in the Invincible America Assembly,' Dr Varma said.
One of the Brahmanand Saraswati Nagars is nearly half complete, Dr Varma continued. About 150 Vedic Pandits have already moved to this campus, and in the next few months about 150 more Pandits will move there. Maharishi had also requested that 1,000 Jyotishis [experts in Maharishi Jyotish] be trained in at this location. Dr Varma reported that this endeavour has begun with the Vedic Pandits presently on campus, who are studying Jyotish under leading experts in the field.
In the coming days, Global Good News will feature more news from Dr Varma's address, including the tremendous success of Maharishi schools and universities in India.
*Guru Purnima: Annual full moon celebration of the eternal Vedic Tradition of knowledge
**Dr Girish Varma is also Chairman of the 160 Maharishi Vidya Mandir Schools Group and President of the Maharishi Institutes of Management and Information Technology, in India.
***Guru Dev: Maharishi's Master, Shri Guru Dev, His Divinity Brahmanand Saraswati, Jagatguru Shankaracharya of Jyotir Math, Himalayas.
****Brahmanand Saraswati Nagar: Maharishi has perfected the organization of his global Administration through Silence, by establishing an administrative structure centered around the 12 sacred Jyotir Linga in India—each of the 12 Linga associated with four key cities of India. Each city will have a special administrative locale known as the Brahmanand Saraswati Nagar, in honour of Maharishi's Master—Shri Guru Dev, His Divinity Brahmananda Saraswati, Jagatguru Shankaracharya of Jyotir Math, Himalayas. Each of these 48 cities also maintains a relationship with four countries of the world—and thus the eternal silence of the Veda, total Natural Law, will be radiating from India, the Land of the Veda, to uphold the invincibility of 192 countries.
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