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Maharishi Purusha Capital of the Western World: Realizing the goals of Purusha through perfect architecture
by Global Good News staff writer
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12 July 2009
On 9 July 2009, a special presentation on the Maharishi Purusha Capital of the Western World, West Virginia, USA, was broadcast live from MERU, Holland, International Capital of the Global Country of World Peace, and from the Maharishi Patanjali Golden Dome, Fairfield, Iowa, USA.
Please also see Part I of this article, summarizing speeches by Purusha Rajas Chancellor and Rafael David, Purusha Rajas* of universal domain, describing the goals and timeline for the project.
Dr Eike Hartmann, who has dedicated himself in recent years to designing the Maharishi Purusha Capital, opened his speech by noting that it was 'the last project we worked on with Maharishi Mahesh Yogi—and the last one is the most important.' Dr Hartmann went on to describe how the plans evolved, in establishing perfect orientation for the Purusha Capital, according to the principles of Vedic Architecture (Vastu), Maharishi Sthapatya Veda. The design was structured to support the role of members of the Maharishi Purusha Programme, to adopt and silently nourish 192 countries, in their administration through silence.
The original plan was to have three Purusha in each suite: one attending to one of 192 countries, plus two Computer Masters, who would gather information for that country, to be displayed on a screen. This gave a total of 600 Purusha, said Dr Hartmann. He explained that with this number, it was difficult to design the Purusha suites and the exhibition hall—where the information for each country would be displayed—so as to create symmetry in the building.
'We kept thinking, and designing, and adapting to safety requirements,' he recounted, 'and finally, Maharishi instructed us to add one more Purusha for each suite, who would be a guest from the Purusha's country.' With four in each suite, said Dr Hartmann—and a total of 800 Purusha—the building design suddenly became very symmetrical.
Dr Hartmann went on to note Maharishi's desire that Purusha, while at the Capital, remain entirely focussed and one-pointed in their attention to the 192 countries of the world. 'When we asked about a Yogic Flying hall to hold all 800 residents,' said Dr Hartmann, 'Maharishi said that no, Purusha needs to place primary focus on the immediate group of four—and in dining halls and Yogic Flying groups, no more than 100.' With this focus, continued Dr Hartmann, a global field effect is created, which is in terms of each country, bound together with Purusha Consciousness. 'In creating this field effect, it is then for Raja John Hagelin, Raja of Invincible America, to take it and transform it into global administration through the US for the whole world.'
Following Dr Hartmann's speech, Raja Bob LoPinto, Raja of South Africa who has helped lead the Purusha Capital project, offered several profound comments on the role of Purusha in the world. He said, 'Purusha is here to uplift the universe. This is their role, and this is all of our roles—but Purusha are the professionals, Mother Divine are the professionals. And by helping them, making this [Purusha Capital] a reality for them, we are super-charging, accelerating this process of uplifting the universe and all the 192 countries and people of the world. So it is an enormous project, and we give enormous gratitude to Maharishi, Guru Dev,** and the Vedic Tradition for giving this to us—uplifting us and the universe in the process.'
In the coming days, Global Good News will feature Dr Bevan Morris's opening speech on this occasion, as well as the concluding address of Maharaja Adhiraj Rajaraam, First Ruler of the Global Country of World Peace.
* Maharishi has explained that Purusha means the Self, the quality of infinite silence of the Unified Field of Natural Law. Maharishi designed the Maharishi Purusha Programme for men who wish to dedicate themselves fulltime to the most rapid pace of evolution and to creating world peace, through extended group practice of the Transcendental Meditation Sidhi Programme; and through their administration through silence, fulfilling the goals of the Global Country of World Peace in 192 countries of the world. Several members of Purusha are Rajas of the Global Country of World Peace with universal domain.
** Maharishi's Master, Shri Guru Dev, His Divinity Brahmanand Saraswati, Jagatguru Shankaracharya of Jyotir Math, Himalayas.
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