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Maharaja Adhiraj Rajaraam: Total Knowledge, the gift of the spiritual teacher - 'Know Thy Self'
by Global Good News staff writer
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10 July 2009
Having expressed his great appreciation for all the leaders and administrators of his global administration, Maharaja Adhiraj Rajaraam, First Ruler* of the Global Country of World Peace, continued his address on 7 July 2009—reflecting on the occasion of Guru Purnima, the annual Vedic celebration of the spiritual teacher, traditionally held on the full moon in July.
Maharaja said that he would reflect on the gift of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, the gift of Guru Dev**: 'As we offer his gift back to him, we reflect on his gift to us.
'What is Guru? What does the Guru give? Guru gives Total Knowledge to remove ignorance, to remove darkness,' Maharaja said. 'He is the embodiment of Total Knowledge and he wants to give Total Knowledge. This knowledge has been so often expressed in different ways: enlightenment, Heaven on Earth, invincibility, bliss consciousness, the fruit of all knowledge in one brain, perfect health. All of these terms that are expressions of Total Knowledge from different angles, are in fact synonymous. They really ultimately mean the same thing, because bliss and perfection have to go together.'
He explained that if there is no true perfection in life, there is no fulfilment, and therefore no basis for being totally blissful—'not happy and joy only, but the true meaning of bliss—Sat, Chit, Ananda, Truth, consciousness, and bliss—the Ananda that is the essence of life.
'In that way we can see the gift of the Guru, from so many different angles. But Guru gives Total Knowledge. What is Total Knowledge? Knowledge of what?'
Maharaja explained that when we look into the Veda, which is Total Knowledge, we see that it has so many expressions, values, and finite expressions of its own reality. So we can say, 'Should we know all the Veda? Should we read all the Veda? Should we study all the Veda?' That has been the tradition for so many years in the Vedic Tradition itself, that the daily study of the Veda is a very important aspect for acquiring knowledge.
'Maharishi has simplified this,' Maharaja said, 'by saying that all the branches of the Veda are embodied in Rk Veda. Rk Veda has ten Mandalas [chapters]; each Mandala corresponds to one aspect of total reality. The first Mandala is Prakriti [Nature], and the following eight Mandalas are the divided form of Prakriti—Prithivi, earth; Jal, water; Tejas, fire, [all the five elements]; and then mind, intellect, ego, and then the tenth Mandala is Para prakriti [transcendental, unmanifest], the wholeness of Purusha [infinite silence, transcendence].
'From this Maharishi explained how the first and tenth Mandalas are related together and how ultimately all the Mandalas are present in the first Sukta [verse of Rk Veda], and how all the aspects of the first Sukta are present in the first syllable of the Veda, which is A.
'In A is Total Knowledge,' Maharaja continued. 'Therefore the totality of knowledge that the Guru offers is available to us in one sound A, which represents by itself wholeness, Totality.
'And when we say Ahar ahah sandhyam upasita—which means devote yourself to the connecting point, to the Sandhya, Vedo nityam adhiyatam—Adhiyatam then is not seen just as study, because the term Adhiyatam, in Sanskrit, means to study. But where is Maharishi's point in attention, in contribution to Total Knowledge? He saw Adhiyatam as A-dhiyatam, A-dhi—A and Dhi. Dhi is the intellect and A is Totality—so truly the teaching is: ''Take the intellect to wholeness. Take the intellect to Totality.'' That is the study of the Veda.'
Maharaja said that he was highlighting this one point because of its importance in recognizing Maharishi's contribution—one of the many contributions, but the main contribution to the revival of knowledge.
Maharaja explained that there are so many aspects of the Vedic tradition that are embodied in so many branches of the Veda, from Ayur-Veda, Jyotish, etc. He said that 'there are so many interpretations of Veda; there are so many angles of perceiving Veda, that the attention on transcending as the source of all knowledge has been missed in the interpretations and in the tradition.
'Maharishi brings to light that one powerful and important point, which is to go back to the Self and from that reality gain Total Knowledge.
'So when the Guru gives Total Knowledge, total Veda, he gives Total Knowledge by allowing every individual to realize their own reality as being Total Knowledge.
'So the summary of all knowledge ultimately is ''Know Thy Self,'' ' Maharaja said. ' ''Know Thy Self'' is what is needed to acquire Total Knowledge, and in knowing one's Self, one knows everything. This ''Know Thy Self'' has been for all times expressed in modern philosophy, in modern understanding, by all sages around the world, even in the traditions that are in the West. In Western traditions and Eastern traditions this has been a great guidance for philosophers and sages of the world.
'What Maharishi brought to light is what the Self is, and the Self therefore, he showed to us, is not what we believe to be in the body alone; what we believe to be in the senses, in the mind, in the intellect, in the ego; but ultimately is the Self of everything and everyone—the Unified Field of Natural Law.
'So what Maharishi brought to light is what the Self is. He also brought to light how to know your Self.'
Global Good News will feature the continuation of Maharaja Adhiraj Rajaraam's address about higher states of consciousness in the coming days.
* Maharishi has explained that the functioning of Maharaja Adhiraj Rajaraam's administration of the Global Country of World Peace, supporting the creation of invincibility in 192 countries of the world, is that of administration through silence—the full awakening of total Natural Law and its infinite organizing power in the consciousness of every individual and in the whole collective consciousness of every nation and the entire world.
** Guru Dev: Maharishi's Master, Shri Guru Dev, His Divinity Brahmanand Saraswati, Jagatguru Shankaracharya of Jyotir Math, Himalayas. Guru Dev is revered as the embodiment of Vedic wisdom closest to Maharishi in the illustrious tradition of Vedic Masters who have passed down the eternal wisdom of life from teacher to student since time immemorial.
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