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Good news report from Canada
Global Country of World Peace Translate This Article
6 April 2009
12 March was the 12th day of the ninth month of the 3rd year of Canadian national consciousness rising to invincibility.
12 March 2009
Dr William Overall, National Director of the Global Country of World Peace in Canada, presented highlights of news reports reflecting Canada's rising invincibility from Yogic Flying groups across Canada and the large Invincible America Assembly at Maharishi University of Management and Maharishi Vedic City, USA.
Extensive scientific research has documented the Maharishi Effect of rising coherence, harmony, and peace created in the collective consciousness of a nation by large groups of Yogic Flyers. The effect has been found to extend beyond national borders when the group is of sufficient size.
Following are press reports featured in Dr Overall's presentation:
The Globe and Mail - What's the good news? (12 March 2009) Good news is finally here. After receiving a deluge of pleas for something other than all-apocalyptic news, all the time, NBC Nightly News anchor Brian Williams ended a recent newscast by asking viewers to e-mail him some examples of good news. Within a couple of days, the anchor had received thousands of e-mails, some of which have resulted in stories on the broadcast. 'We have more stories than we could humanly cover if we combined all three network newscasts,' Mr Williams said. 'It's hit an unbelievable nerve.' NBC isn't the only outlet jumping on the upbeat bandwagon. (The Globe and Mail is also inviting readers on its website to submit good news stories on a link on the homepage—hence the headline.) In recent years, and especially since the financial crash, the good news and 'happiness' industries have found a loyal (and growing) audience.
The Canadian Press - Three western provincial cabinets meet in Vancouver to talk economy (12 March 2009) Joint cabinet meetings are old hat for Alberta and British Columbia who have been holding them for several years, but Saskatchewan will be at the table for the first time, when the premiers of British Columbia, Alberta, and Saskatchewan and members of their cabinets hold their first joint meeting on Friday in Vancouver. 'When you look at the complement that we [B.C., Alta., and Sask.] have in terms of their economic opportunities and ours, I think there is a real strength that we will all get and the people we serve will get from us working together,' B.C. Premier Gordon Campbell said. 'When we speak as three provinces with a strong unified voice, I think it's much easier for the federal government to move ahead.'
The Globe and Mail - Speaker orders MPs to curb personal attacks (12 March 2009) House of Commons Speaker Peter Milliken has ordered MPs to stop attacking their colleagues in the chamber. In a move his communications director, Heather Bradley, described as 'very rare,' Mr Milliken sent a letter to the House leaders of the four parties stressing that 'personal attacks' in the Commons are not permitted. 'I intend to halt at an early stage any trend in this direction,' he wrote.
The Financial Post - Canada a net creditor nation—for now (12 March 2009) Canada has more foreign assets than liabilities for the first time since Statistics Canada began keeping records more than 80 years ago. According to a Statistics Canada report, international assets, which include foreign bonds and stocks, foreign direct investment, and other holdings such as official reserves, rose 'significantly', at 11.8%, to reach C$1.493 trillion. The gain was aided by a decline in the Canadian dollar which had the effect of boosting the value of overseas holdings. International liabilities also rose, but only 6% to C$1.479.5 trillion. Some economists had been predicting Canada would achieve net-creditor status by the end of the decade as the country steadily erased deficits and trimmed debt since the mid-1990s, reducing its reliance on net foreign debt. The goal of having more foreign assets than liabilities was viewed as one that would give the country more control over its financial destiny. However, the soaring commodity prices that helped place it among an elite group of net-creditor nations in the fourth quarter have come back to earth, meaning Canada isn't being paid as much now as it was for its exports. The steps to reach that point will continue to benefit Canada, even if the country loses its newly minted net-creditor status, said Douglas Porter, deputy chief economist at BMO Capital Markets.
The Toronto Star - Ontario unveils green-energy purchase plan (12 March 2009) Renewable energy in Ontario got a massive boost Thursday with the proposal of a fixed-price plan that, by June, could see the province paying out generous premiums to large and small generators of green power. The premiums—called advanced feed-in tariffs—are what the government guarantees to pay over the life a 20-year contract with sellers of electricity produced from the sun, wind, water, and biomass. Prices are tailored to the types of green energy being produced and project sizes. Developers of smaller projects will generally get a higher premium than developers of large projects. Under the proposed plan, the first of its kind on the continent, homeowners who put solar power systems on their rooftops will be able to fetch more than 80 cents for every kilowatt-hour sold into the grid, roughly 13 times the going rate for electricity. Large multi-megawatt ground projects get slightly more at 44.3 cents. For the first time in North America a price has been has been set for offshore wind projects. Developers of offshore wind projects will get 19 cents. 'The is a watershed moment,' said John Kourtoff, CEO of Trillium Power, which plans to build a large wind farm in Lake Ontario. 'You are going to see a lot of activity, a lot of companies saying Ontario is the place to develop,' said Graeme Millen of Ottawa-based CH Four Biogas, which sells biogas systems for farms. 'If this is administered properly, we will see Ontario really launch to the forefront of the renewable-energy sector.' Energy and Infrastructure Minister George Smitherman repeated earlier statements that the premiums being paid for renewable energy aren't expected to add more than 1 per cent annually to the average customer bill. 'It's designed to allow renewable energy projects to recover the cost of building and maintaining the projects and also earn a reasonable rate of return on the investment over the term of the project,' said Colin Andersen, chief executive officer of the Ontario Power Authority, which developed and will oversee the tariff programme. Smaller, community-based projects are big winners from the new pricing structure, said Deborah Doncaster, executive director of the Community Power Fund, which was set up to support local grassroots projects that emerge out of local and aboriginal cooperatives. Paul Gipe, a U.S. renewable-energy analyst, said Ontario's proposed feed-in tariffs set a precedent in North America and ratchet up the competition for green-collar jobs. He said Ontario's move will make it easier to convince U.S. states to follow.
From a Toronto Sun report on this: The province wants to turn homeowners into tiny power moguls by offering them a whopping 80 cents for each kilowatt of power their rooftop solar panels generate. It estimates a typical C$30,000 rooftop installation could potentially generate three kilowatts a day—enough, it says, to meet one-third of the home's electricity consumption and turn over C$2,500 annual income. That would pay off the investment in 12 years.
The Globe and Mail - Irish firm targets Alberta wind power (12 March 2009) One of Europe's leading clean energy entrepreneurs has made a bet on Alberta's wind potential with a significant investment in an area that has been dubbed Canada's wind mecca. Mainstream Renewable Power, a company founded by Irishman Eddie O'Connor, agreed Wednesday to an 80-per-cent stake in a joint venture with privately owned Alberta Wind Energy Corp. on an C$850-million wind development project near Pincher Creek, Alta. Mr O'Connor is a clean energy visionary, whose ambition is to develop a million megawatts of offshore wind power in Europe—enough to make the continent energy self-sufficient. The joint venture with Alberta Wind Energy marks Mr. O'Connor's first foray into Canada with Mainstream, his Dublin-headquartered company. With Alberta Wind Energy, Mainstream plans to produce 400 megawatts of electricity by 2013, almost equal to Alberta's current wind output. The company expects to bring 1,300 megawatts of wind power online across North America within the next five years.
From another Globe and Mail report on this: Alberta Wind Energy Corp. president and chief executive Stewart Duncan called the joint venture 'great news for Alberta. We are ideally positioned to capitalize on the province's untapped wind potential to deliver clean, reliable, secure energy to Albertans.'
From a Bloomberg News report on this: Mainstream says it was founded to develop wind, solar and ocean current energy, believing that 'there's a global transition from fossil fuels to sustainable fuels. It's not a question of if or when.'
Canwest News Service on work breaks touted by experts and executives (12 March 2009) Faced with low staffing levels and heavier workloads, one in five Canadians is putting in longer hours at the office, according to a new survey. Canadian productivity and balance strategist Patricia Katz advises: 'Building in breaks and points of renewal, despite the fact that you're not done or caught up, is a very positive strategy.' Toronto executive Philip Blake says he'll abandon work for an impromptu gym session if he's feeling especially stressed. His organization, however, encourages such escapes by providing access to an on-site fitness centre, a basketball and tennis court, yoga classes and meditation. 'It's about what goes on between people's ears,' said Blake, president of Bayer Inc.
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