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Good news report from Canada

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30 August 2008

22 August was the 22nd day of the second month of the 3rd year of Canadian national consciousness rising to invincibility, as indicated by the following press reports:

22 August 2008

The Canadian Press on Toronto stocks surge a second day (21 August 2008) The Toronto stock market surged almost 200 points Thursday. The TSX composite index moved up 189.08 points, or 1.42%, to 13,539.22 after a 286-point jump on Wednesday.

The Canadian Press - Canadian corporate profits up in Q2 (21 August 2008) Canadian corporations earned C$69.4 billion in operating profits in the second quarter, up 2.5 per cent from the first quarter. Statistics Canada says 15 of 22 industry groups reported higher profits. Profits in the non-financial sector grew 4.1 per cent to C$50.6 billion.

Reuters Canada - Feds posts budget surplus (22 August 2008) Canada posted a June budget surplus of C$1.74 billion, bringing the year-to-date surplus to C$1.22 billion and reversing a deficit in the first two months of the fiscal year, the federal government reported on Friday.

From a Canadian Economic Press report on this: In its monthly fiscal monitor, the Department of Finance reported that budgetary revenue in June was up 2.4% year-over-year to almost C$21.2 billion, while debt charges decreased 2.6% (C$500 million) from year-ago levels. The government's fiscal year began on 1 April. For the first three months, the budgetary surplus was estimated at C$1.2 billion. Public debt charges declined 5.6% over the period.

From another Reuters Canada report on this: Finance Minister Jim Flaherty said on Friday the federal government remains on track to record a budget surplus this year. The federal government has estimated a surplus in 2008-09 of C$2.3 billion. Canada has recorded 11 budget surpluses in a row.

Canwest News Service - London, Ont., bans water bottles sales in city hall (19 August 2008) City council members from London, Ont. voted to eliminate the sale of water bottles in all municipal buildings and facilities, and replace them with new water fountains. The move is part of an attempt by the city to cut down on the 20 million plastic bottles that wind up in the local landfill each year. Last month, Vancouver also passed a motion banning water bottles being sold inside city hall.

From a CBC News report on this: Environmentalists have said they are concerned by the amount of energy it takes to transport the bottles, as well as the waste produced by them, particularly when most areas of Canada have safe water supplies. While water bottles can be recycled, the process consumes a great amount of energy, and many bottles end up being thrown out, says William Rees, sustainability planning professor at the University of British Columbia.

From a Globe and Mail report on this: In London, officials say it takes 150 times as much greenhouse gas to produce bottled water as it does tap water.

From another Canwest News Service report: According to National Geographic magazine, the production of each single-use water bottle requires more water in manufacturing than the bottle can hold.

The Toronto Star - Plastic water bottles on city hit list (21 August 2008) Toronto is taking a broad look at a variety of packaging materials—including plastic bottles—as part of the city's overall goal of diverting 70 per cent of waste from the dump by 2010. City staff will propose new policies in November to curb the use of plastic bags, takeout coffee cups and polystyrene food containers. Among the options being considered are an outright ban on some materials used for in-store packaging and a local deposit-return system for some items.

The Toronto Star - City gears up for bike rental plan (21 August 2008) Toronto is getting set to roll out a rent-a-bike programme next year, says Councillor Adrian Heaps, head of the city's cycling committee. Plans include automated stations with swipe-card access for subscribers. Such programmes are gaining in popularity around the world with the rise of gas prices and environmental consciousness. Launched just a year ago, Paris's programme already has more than 211,000 subscribers. Montreal is starting a trial programme next month with full service due next spring. Heaps said a bike-share programme would be a 'huge' draw to visitors in Toronto. 'There's a great demand already. Our office gets all kinds of phone calls from hotels asking where to get bicycles,' he remarked.

The Calgary Herald on funds for solar-powered water heating in Calgary (22 August 2008) The federal government has provided C$450,000 from its renewable energy programme to Enmax Corp., backstopping a solar-powered water heating programme the city-owned utility will roll out in Calgary in the spring of 2009. Consumers will pay an installation fee and thereafter monthly rental payments. The system is expected to reduce traditional energy consumption equivalent of up to C$300 annually while cutting emissions of greenhouse gases by up to one tonne per household. Water heating accounts for 20-25% of the average Canadian home's energy consumption, and the solar-powered water heating system can meet up to 60% of a home's hot water needs.

The Vancouver Province - Power project gets funding (21 August 2008) The federal government is investing up to C$35 million in a power project near Harrison Lake, British Columbia as part of a strategy to support renewable energy projects throughout the country. Federal Natural Resources Minister Gary Lunn said that Vancouver-based Cloudworks Energy will receive the funding as part of the government's C$1.48-billion ecoEnergy for Renewable Power programme. Privately-held Cloudworks Energy, which specializes in run-of-river power initiatives, is behind the Kwalsa energy project. Lunn said the project, scheduled to come online by next summer, will produce about 90 megawatts of electricity, enough to power about 30,000 homes without producing greenhouse gases. The Kwalsa project has qualified for a federal incentive of one cent per kilowatt-hour, payable for up to 10 years. John Johnson, a principal of Cloudworks Energy, said the eco-assessment ensures construction will not harm fish.

The Guardian (P.E.I.) - Wind farm gets infusion of cash (22 August 2008) Prince Edward Island's East Point Wind Farm received a boost from the federal government's new ecoENERGY Initiative that could translate into as much as C$9 million over the next 10 years for producing green power. The grant is part of a C$1.48-billion renewable power programme, aimed at increasing Canada's supply of green energy from sources like wind, biomass, hydro, geothermal, solar, and ocean movement. MP Mike Allen said the East Point Wind Farm will receive one cent for every kilowatt generated over the next decade to a cap of C$9 million. 'The 10 turbines at the East Point Farm have a total generating capacity of 30 megawatts which is enough green energy to meet more that seven per cent of the province's electricity needs and that's without a single kilogram of greenhouse gases,' he said. Earlier in the day, Allen announced C$2.8 million for the wind farm in Norway, PEI, where a project of nine megawatts is going up. Allen said this initiative is providing a boost needed to reduce greenhouse emissions by 20 per cent by 2020 in the province. PEI is already generating 18 per cent of its power from renewable wind energy.

CBC News - Farmers pleased Monsanto is getting out of cow hormone business (22 August 2008) A group of Ontario farmers is claiming victory after Monsanto agreed to sell its Posilac brand of synthetic cow hormones to drug maker Eli Lilly. Dave Mackay, president of the Renfrew County chapter of the National Farmers Union (NFU), told CBC News that the sale is good news. Posilac is the trade name of recombinant bovine somatotropin, or rBST, a synthetic hormone. Health Canada banned the use of rBST in 1998. Mackay thinks Monsanto is getting out of the hormone business because of ongoing public opposition. He said the NFU opposed the introduction of the hormone and took part in a national campaign, involving about 60 organizations, to convince the government to ban its use on Canadian dairy farms. The hormone, manufactured from genetically modified bacteria, is injected into dairy cows to boost their milk production. The increased production is said to cause cows to have a higher rate of illnesses, including mastitis, udder infections, and digestive problems. 'We think it's a bit of a victory,' Mackay said. 'We are pleased. I think we have won. Obviously, these guys are moving on.'

These are a few of the news reports reflecting Canada's rising invincibility from the growing Yogic Flying groups across Canada and the Invincible America Assembly at Maharishi University of Management and Maharishi Vedic City, USA.

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