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New impetus for Global Country of World Peace activities among Arab nations
by Global Good News staff writer

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13 August 2008

Speaking 3 August 2008 on Maharishi Global Family Chat, Raja Tom Stanley, Raja of Invincible Ireland, Mongolia, Iceland, Libya, Tajikistan, and Belize for the Global Country of World Peace, reported several developments underway in the Arab world, resulting from meetings among local Rajas and Teachers of the Transcendental Meditation Technique, and National Directors.

They are coordinating activities among the different nations, including information on all Arabic-speaking Teachers of Transcendental Meditation, either residing in Arab nations, or based elsewhere who would be willing to travel to Arab regions to fulfil teaching opportunities in those areas. When an opportunity for teaching arises, this will help in locating possible Arabic-speaking Teachers.

So far, continued Raja Stanley, Lebanon has surpassed other Arab nations in numbers of people learning Transcendental Meditation. 'The Global Country of World Peace organization is very strong in Lebanon,' he said. Leaders in Lebanon and Syria will be helping coordinate information on Arabic-speaking Teachers of Transcendental Meditation.

Another main initiative within Arab nations, reported Raja Stanley, is to translate all Global Country of World Peace materials into Arabic. 'We're in the process of putting together a translation team', as well as prioritizing materials to be translated. The expert translation group will be working not only with literature, but with video- and audio-taped courses and web-based materials. 'We'll be working to provide materials to all countries in the Arabic-speaking world, centralizing distribution so that any country can access them quickly and easily.'

Also, Raja Stanley has been working with Rajas of other nations in the region to coordinate schedules of visiting Vedic experts, so that everyone has an opportunity to participate in Advanced Techniques of Transcendental Meditation, the Transcendental Meditation Sidhi Programme, and other special programmes.

Raja Stanley said that these were some of the avenues they are pursuing 'to move ahead quickly in a united way, to jumpstart activity in all the Arab world'.

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