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Reports from the Global Mother Divine Organization during Guru Purnima - Part V: Ethiopia
by Global Good News staff writer

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9 August 2008

In a series of presentations on the Maharishi Global Family Chat during the recent Global Guru Purnima Assembly in MERU, Netherlands, leaders of the Global Mother Divine Organization, the ladies' wing of the Global Country of World Peace, from around the world reported on activities and achievements in the past year that are bringing perfect health, happiness, and enlightenment to ladies, mothers, and children through five Total Knowledge-Based Foundations*.

Please also see Part I, Part II, Part III, and Part IV of this article.

As the presentations from African nations continued, the National Director for Ethiopia reported on the Transcendental Meditation Club established in a school in Addis Ababa and land that is available for a Maharishi Invincibility School.

The National Director, who has also been the National Leader of all of the programmes of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi in Ethiopia since 1973, reported that at that time a Transcendental Meditation Teacher Training Course was held in Ethiopia for about 100 course participants from the USA. Maharishi also visited Ethiopia and met with Emperor Haile Selassie.

There are now three Transcendental Meditation Teachers; and 250 Ethiopian students have attended or are still attending Maharishi University of Management in Fairfield, Iowa, USA.

A letter was presented to the Minister of Education, organized by the Raj Rajeshwari for Invincible Ethiopia; the Ministry of Education proposed that they create a Transcendental Meditation Club where students can practise Transcendental Meditation in their own schools. Given this opportunity, 40 students have received instruction in the technique in two campuses of private secondary schools. Slides were shown of the students meditating.

The goal is to teach all 250 students and also inspire them to learn the Transcendental Meditation Sidhi Programme and become Yogic Flyers, which would achieve the number required to create coherence for Addis Ababa, the capital city. Lady ministers in the government have also been contacted by the Global Mother Divine Organization; one of the state ministers asked for more information and plans to arrange a lecture for her colleagues.

Six hectares of land in a very prestigious area of the outskirts of Addis Ababa have been granted by the government, and the organization is planning a Maharishi Tower of Invincibility, a Maharishi School, and a Maharishi Ayur-Veda clinic. On behalf of the 80 million people of Ethiopia, the National Director thanked the Raj Rajeshwaris for their nourishing attention to create invincibility for Ethiopia.

* For the Development of Consciousness and Total Knowledge Based Education, Health Care, Culture, and Music.

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