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Address of Maharaja Adhiraj Raja Raam - Part V: 'The path of evolution is full of compassion'
by Global Good News staff writer

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26 July 2008

Maharaja Adhiraj Raja Raam completes his Guru Purnima address by speaking about everyone joining the path of evolution and praising all the leaders of the Global Country of World Peace.

For Maharaja Adhiraj Raja Raam's complete address, please also see Part I, Part II, Part III , and Part IV.

Maharaja Adhiraj Raja Raam continued:
'Of course we do not forget that in the same way as many of us came to Transcendental Meditation for any reason, could it be for blood pressure, or for sleeping better, or for improving one's grades at school, or for feeling more fullness or more greatness in life—we have come with all these different angles, so that the story of that man who is told to leave everything and follow [Part III] does not get recounted again, because every man, every woman, always has a chance to start on the path.

'Wherever you are you start on the path, and one follows one's Dharma* and one gets to the goal. As the Bhagavad-Gita says, ''The Dharma of another brings danger,'' so one follows one's Dharma, one follows one's steps of evolution and one gets to the goal. Therefore our administration should be open to every potential individual who wants to get on the path, who wants to get on the train. The train should be able to give him the possibility to join in and move ahead.

'The path of evolution is full of compassion and it takes everyone and gives him Totality. . . . Wherever you are, whether pure or impure, whatever is your state, you can get on [the train]. As you light the light, the darkness disappears. And in that sense, we don't want any of our administrative processes or high goals of our organization to prevent anyone, or be seen as too difficult a step to make in one's progress of evolution.

'This is where we have all possibilities open, all freedom to join any of our hands, to participate in any of our wings, in any of the angles that one likes: through health we can participate; through Global Corporate Development Program** we can participate; through science and knowledge of the Unified Field, which we should mention here as a great asset of the understanding of modern times of the reality of life.'

Maharaja Adhiraj Raja Raam said, 'We uphold so highly our great Raja John Hagelin, Minister of Science and Technology of the Global Country of World Peace', for his participation in bringing out the supreme knowledge of the Unified Field with Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, Founder of the Global Country of World Peace—'his dynamism, and his great focussed purpose in bringing out knowledge and administration to offer this knowledge to everyone.

'Therefore in togetherness, oneness, we will be able to uphold all the teachings and truly create Heaven on Earth. I'd like of course to mention every one of our Rajas and say how much they have been diligently and deeply and profoundly working together to make sure the knowledge is available in its purity and totality, and can reach everyone in their situation and whatever their interest and whatever their need.'

Maharaja said that he would like to highlight Raja Harris Kaplan, Raja of India, 'who really has a specific, very important role because of his connection with the land of the Veda, with India, and his one-pointedness in ensuring that the Vedic Pandits are maintained properly, working with the leaders in India, with Brahmachari Girish Varmaji,*** our dear Prakashji, and with all the leaders in India, and led on the Gyan [pure knowledge] level by our great Brahmachari Nandkishoreji, who is a true incarnation of Gyan, knowledge and experience from Maharishi, and a great gift and asset to our administration.

'I would like to mention absolutely everyone. When I look around I see all the Rishis [sages] sitting here with the Indians, all our people who have been so many years with Maharishi, diligently working and still maintaining the purity of the knowledge, and going through all kinds of situations and circumstances, but maintaining the fort and holding it strong.'

Maharaja also lauded several other groups and individuals: 'All our Ministers that are absolutely on top of the world in the maintenance of the purity of the knowledge and the purity of the teaching. All our Vedic Pandits of course, whom we have mentioned and had the joy to listen to; and Kuberji's [Dr Benjamin Feldman, Minister of Finance and Planning of the Global Country of World Peace] great focus on planning and . . . ensuring there is great wealth in order to achieve these great programmes to reach everyone in the world.

'But it is also my great joy to highlight, and it's very dear to me, because all these five, six months where we have faced the reality without Brahm living in a body, and we have to do with whatever we could and gather ourselves and create unity in diversity—[he has been] upholding every branch and every wing, yet ensuring the strength and oneness and the awakening to the unity of life is always available; yet dealing with details and complicated delays. I'd like ideally to give a big cheer to someone who has been most delicately alert, most delicately together, a great administrative energy and strength, at the same time great wholeness of knowledge and respect to Maharishi's guidance and to Maharishi's administration—and that is our great Prime Ministerji, Dr Bevan Morris.

'Tvadiyam vastu Govinda tubhyam eva samarpaye.**** Jai Guru Dev.'

* Dharma: one's calling in life, allotted duty or destiny.

** Please also visit: Center for Leadership Performance.

***Dr Girish Varma is Minister of Higher Education of the Global Country of World Peace, Director-General of the Global Capital of World Peace at the Brahma-Sthan of India, Chairman of the 160 Maharishi Vidya Mandir Schools Group, and President of Maharishi Institutes of Management and Information Technology in India.

**** Maharishi has translated this expression as: 'My Lord, I am offering you what you have bestowed on me'; 'Whatever you have offered to me, I am offering to you.'

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For information about Maharishi's seven-point programme to create a healthy, happy, prosperous society, and a peaceful world, please visit: Global Financial Capital of New York.

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