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Good news report from Canada
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31 July 2008
9 July was the 9th day of the first month of the 3rd year of Canadian national consciousness rising to invincibility, as indicated by the following press reports:
9 July 2008
Canwest News Service on healthy housing starts and jobs reports (9 July 2008) The housing market in Canada is cooling, but gently, analysts said Wednesday. And adding to the economic assurances, an online employment agency released poll results suggesting job growth in Canada will continue at a healthy pace through this year. The mid-year survey by shows that thirty per cent of employers expect to add full-time workers in the second half of 2008, up from 23 per cent at the same time in 2007, while only nine per cent say they will be cutting staff, down from 15 per cent at this time last year, the survey says. Meanwhile, Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) reported that housing starts fell in June to an annual pace of 217,800 from 227,700 in May, upwardly revised from 221,300. 'Despite the decrease in June, total housing starts remain at high levels,' said Bob Dugan, CMHC's chief economist. Surprisingly, Ontario was the strongest province in the report, with starts rising over 10 per cent on the month.
From a Canadian Press report on this: 'We're above our forecast for 2008, which is around 214,000 units,' said CMHC economist Bertrand Recher. 'It is also going to be the seventh year in a row this year that we are forecasting there will be more than 200,000 housing starts.'
From a Globe and Mail report on this: Millan Mulraine, economics strategist with TD Securities, expects housing starts to maintain their pace in the months ahead, sticking to a range of between 210,000 and 220,000.
From a Reuters Canada report on this: 'Canadian housing construction is cooling at a gentle pace and remains healthy,' Benjamin Reitzes, an economist at BMO Capital Markets, wrote.
From a Canadian Economic Press report on this: Already, the first six months of 2008 are running 1.5% ahead of starts in the first half of 2007. Bob Dugan said between 2001 and 2006, 175,000 new households were formed every year and new starts averaged about 212,000 a year. 'Starts are incredibly strong,' Dugan said.
Bloomberg News - Canadian dollar gains most in a week on housing starts report(9 July 2008) The Canadian dollar rose the most in a week Wednesday after a report showed new-home starts last month exceeded economists' forecasts. 'The Canadian economy is continuing to do well on the domestic side,' said David Watt, a senior currency strategist in Toronto at RBC Capital Markets.
Bloomberg News - Harper says Canada's economy isn't being affected by inflationary pressure (9 July 2008) Speaking at the Group of Eight summit in Japan, Prime Minister Harper said inflation is not the chief concern for the Canadian economy. Canada's inflation rate is about half that in the US and EU. Wages in Canada are rising at a close to decade-high pace. Still, Harper said there is no indication the jobs market has become inflationary, reflecting instead the strength of the economy. 'As long as we can sustain a healthy national income growth, and we do have that, we can sustain reasonable wage increases,' Harper said.
The Saskatoon StarPhoenix - Ecovillage draws crowd (9 July 2008) The greenest housing development in Saskatoon is generating so much demand that proponents are considering adding units to the design for Rivergreen Ecovillage. Even the non-profit Prairie Ecovillage Development Corp. behind the project is surprised at its popularity. 'We're overwhelmed,' said Paul Blaser, an architect working on the design. Ecovillage is intended to showcase green building technology. Proponents are targeting LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) platinum status, the highest level of green building certification. Efficient plumbing, showerheads, and appliances are expected to cut water use in half from conventional housing. Rainwater will be collected off the roof and used to irrigate gardens and a green roof. And a solar-thermal system will use the sun to supply most of the building's heat.
CBC News - Alberta to spend $4B on carbon capture, public transit (8 July 2008) Alberta is spending C$4 billion from this year's budget surplus to fund carbon capture and public transit projects in a bid to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Premier Ed Stelmach announced that C$2 billion will go to major projects to capture carbon dioxide from power plants and industrial facilities and inject it deep underground for permanent storage. Another C$2 billion will be invested in public transit, which will help cut emissions by having fewer people drive. Alberta wants to reduce emissions to 14 per cent below 2005 levels by the year 2050. 'We're committed to the targets,' said Stelmach.
From a Canadian Press report on this: The premier says the C$4 billion in green spending will reduce emissions equal to those produced annually by one million cars. 'The C$2 billion we're spending is the largest amount dedicated to carbon capture and storage anywhere in the world,' Stelmach said. 'It's a significant commitment to one of the few technologies that's been identified as being able to make a substantial reduction in global greenhouse gas emissions.'
From an Edmonton Journal report on this: Dan Woynillowicz of the national environmental policy research organization, Pembina Institute, called it a 'clear sign the government is taking climate change seriously', but he qualified that by noting the province should invest more heavily in renewable formers of energy such as wind power.
The Canadian Press - Ontario premier to lead 'green' trade delegation to China in October (9 July 2008) Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty announced that he will lead a trade mission to China in October with an exclusively green focus. 'We've got a lot of . . . new technologies, a lot of new processes that we've developed and evolved and we want to market that to China so that we can help them and do well for ourselves at the same time,' McGuinty said. With its booming economy, pollution issues have become a fact of Chinese life. To deal with the problem the Chinese government committed C$175 billion over four years. McGuinty said pollution is 'a real and pressing issue to Chinese families' and Chinese leaders have begun looking 'in a very determined way' to environmental issues. 'I know that they are looking for partners—they're looking for international players who have a good understanding of how we can better manage our waste, tackle climate change and deal with air pollution,' McGuinty said The delegation, with 25 Ontario companies in tow, will visit Shanghai and Nanjing. McGuinty will then join other premiers as part of the Council of the Federation, which will be visiting the Chinese capital and the city of Chongquing.
CBC News - Nunavut celebrates 15 years of Inuit land claim (9 July 2008) Inuit across Nunavut marked the 15th anniversary Wednesday of the historic land claim that created Canada's youngest territory. The Land Claims Agreement Act and the Nunavut Act granted the Inuit of the eastern Arctic their own territory with their own government. Nunavut officially came into being on 1 April 1999, carving out a new jurisdiction on Canada's map from what was then part of the Northwest Territories. Passage of the two Nunavut acts marked the end of nearly 30 years of work by Inuit negotiators to settle the Nunavut land claim. Those negotiators included current Premier Paul Okalik and Paul Quassa, currently mayor of Igloolik. Speaking in Inuktitut, Quassa told CBC News that signing the land claim agreement with Ottawa was thrilling because Inuit understood that they were able to run their own affairs.
These are a few of the news reports reflecting Canada's rising invincibility from the growing Yogic Flying groups across Canada and the Invincible America Assembly at Maharishi University of Management and Maharishi Vedic City, USA.
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