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Address of Maharaja Adhiraj Raja Raam - Part IV: The administration of the Global Country of World Peace
by Global Good News staff writer
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25 July 2008
During the global Guru Purnima celebration on 18 July 2008, Maharaja Adhiraj Raja Raam continued speaking about the various organizations of the Global Country of World Peace that are bringing the precious knowledge and programmes of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, Founder of the Global Country of World Peace, to the world for the creation of Heaven on Earth.
Please see Part I, Part II, and Part III of this address by Maharaja Adhiraj Raja Raam.
Maharaja Adhiraj Raja Raam then spoke about the administration Maharishi created 'that is fulfilling its name, its definition. We are all in that administration. [There is] the knowledge. The Guru is Guru Dev*—and will forever be. The guide, the luminary, the Guru who brought Guru Dev to our awareness, is Maharishi, and will always be. We are administrators of his knowledge; his knowledge is complete.
'Before Maharishi left he said, ''My work is done.'' He gave us that responsibility of upholding infinity and creating Heaven on Earth, and that is what we hope we can offer him on 12 January or the next Guru Purnima. That should be our goal, no matter how it can seem that it's too soon and a few months—but at least in our minds and our hearts we want Heaven on Earth today, tomorrow, and that's how we want to think and act.
'For that we have very, very powerful realities that Maharishi has created, and this is where I would like to salute the Thousand Headed Purusha Programme** and the Mother Divine Programme.'***
Maharaja Adhiraj Raja Raam said that the Maharishi Purusha Programme and Mother Divine Programme 'are the custodians of total silence on the silence level. Purusha have their attention fully on silence. They are nourishing the sap all the time. Their silence is so deep.
Maharishi Purusha Programme 'Of course, it always has the two qualities of [silence and] dynamism, because there is no silence without dynamism. But we have the Purusha group in Uttar Kashi [in India], to whom I send my admiration and greetings today, who are totally in that state of silence, and even physically in that place [as everyone heard in the historic videotaped address by Maharishi, explaining the story of how his worldwide organization was founded] around these three rivers, beyond which ''everything is mud''.
'Purusha are sitting there, upholding that holistic, total, pure reality, and they have all our support and all our admiration. We want to make sure they are there maintained in bliss, in the bliss of Being, uninvolved with us here in the ''mud''—creating lotuses, but still moving around in the reality of the changing world. They are completely and totally there in Uttar Kashi, blissfully staying there.
Vedic Pandits 'We have the Vedic Pandits of India, who are a type of Purusha, but with a special physiology. Their physiology has been tuned by Nature, and their DNA is so special and so specific. When we chant or say something Vedic, it does sound the same; we can understand the meaning. But the full profundity of the effect of that pure sound in pure silence comes from those pure vocal cords of that pure tradition of the Vedic Pandits of India.
'They are also our profound, deep, precious part of our global administration, to be protected and upheld and nurtured; and Maharishi's gift to the world—to give us the chance to do everything to maintain the Vedic Tradition, the Vedic Pandits, and all the great Vaidyas, Gandharvans, Sthapatis,**** and all the knowers of Reality who come from that pure tradition to uphold our world and maintain it.'
Global Mother Divine Organization Speaking about the Global Mother Divine Organization,*** Maharaja Adhiraj Raja Raam continued:
'It's a blessing for humanity that Maharishi has created the Global Mother Divine Organization to uphold that truth of pure Being—totality of life—on that very tender, very special, very profound level of existence.
'And every lady in the world—for her it's a chance that somehow we don't have—but we have in a different way—to be able to experience the Mother Divine Programme, participate in the Mother Divine Programme, and to cherish and uphold the Mother Divine Programme.
'It's a great blessing—no matter if we are sometimes here, sometimes there—if we participate in this, we participate in [that]—it's my strong recommendation for every lady of the world to participate, to help, to be part one way or the other, and experience that glorious programme that we have in the Global Mother Divine Organization.
'We have our administration, which is on a global level, which as you have heard from Maharishi and our Rajas and Ministers, administers different aspects of life in all fields of life to bring life to wholeness and Totality. We are all together—one body, one brain, one heart, with different hands—different wings that are together, to create Heaven on Earth.
'And in our perception of reality, we really feel that the time has evolved to a very large extent moving into Sat-Yuga [Heaven on Earth]. Just the creation of the Global Mother Divine Organization for me was a sign of Sat-Yuga, a sign that now Mother Divine is coming somehow to be interested in the world, to be interested in life on the manifest level.
'That is an indication that life on the manifest level has evolved to a large extent so that Mother Divine—the tender, profound, delicate level of Nature —most silent, most hidden, most hiding from the world—now accepts to look at the reality of the world.
'So that's a great, great evolution and progress in our life and understanding of how we are and where we are going.'
In the coming days Global Good News will present the final part of the address by Maharaja Adhiraj Raja Raam.
* Guru Dev: Maharishi's Master, His Divinity Brahmanand Saraswati, Jagatguru Shankaracharya of Jyotir Math, Himalayas.
** Maharishi has explained that Purusha means the Self, the quality of infinite silence of the Unified Field of Natural Law. Maharishi designed the Maharishi Purusha Programme for single men wishing to dedicate themselves fully to the most rapid pace of evolution and creating world peace, through the extended group practice of the Transcendental Meditation and Transcendental Meditation Sidhi Programme, including Yogic Flying.
*** Mother Divine Programme: In the Vedic Tradition, 'Mother Divine' refers to the all-nourishing, evolutionary power of Natural Law lively within all of creation and within the silent consciousness of everyone. The Mother Divine Programme, inaugurated in 1981, is an advanced programme to allow ladies the opportunity to deepen their experiences of the Transcendental Meditation and Transcendental Meditation Sidhi Programmes and enliven 24-hour bliss in daily life; and to create large, permanent coherence-creating groups to radiate a powerful influence of harmony and bliss throughout the world.
Global Mother Divine Organization: The goal of the Global Mother Divine Organization is to develop the all-nourishing quality in every lady, every mother, in our world family to create healthy, happy, heavenly homes in every country. To achieve this, the Global Mother Divine Organization is being established in 192 countries of the world to offer programmes in five areas of knowledge: Development of Consciousness and Total Knowledge Based Education, Health Care, Culture, and Music.
**** Vaidyas: physicians of Maharishi Ayur-Veda, Vedic health care and the science of life and longevity; Gandharvans: the musicians, singers, and performers of Maharishi Gandharva Veda music; Sthapatis: the experts of Maharishi Sthapatya Veda, Vedic Architecture.
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