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Good news report from Canada

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4 May 2008

15 April was the 15th day of the tenth month of the 2nd year of Canadian national consciousness rising to invincibility, as indicated by the following press reports:

15 April 2008

Reuters Health - Healthy diet means better school performance (15 April 2008) Kids who eat better perform better in school, a new study of Nova Scotian fifth-graders confirms. Students who ate an adequate amount of fruit, vegetables, protein, fiber, and other components of a healthy diet were significantly less likely to fail a literacy test, Dr Paul J. Veugelers of the University of Alberta in Edmonton and colleagues found. They looked at 4,589 fifth-graders, 875 (19.1 per cent) of whom had failed an elementary literacy assessment. The better a student's eating habits based on several measures of diet quality, including adequacy and variety, the less likely he or she was to have failed the test, the researchers found. Eating plenty of fruit and vegetables, and getting fewer calories from fat, was also associated with a lower risk of failing the test. Most research on diet and school performance has focused on the importance of eating breakfast, as well as the ill effects of hunger and malnutrition. 'This study extends current knowledge in this area by demonstrating the independent importance of overall diet quality to academic performance,' the researchers conclude. 'The consistency of this association across various indicators of diet quality gives emphasis to the importance of children's nutrition not only at breakfast but throughout the day.' SOURCE: Journal of School Health, April 2008.

The Globe and Mail - Canada first to label bisphenol A as officially dangerous (15 April 2008) Health Canada is calling bisphenol A a dangerous substance, making it the first regulatory body in the world to reach such a determination. The designation could pave the way for the hormonally active chemical to be listed as toxic under the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, which would allow Health Minister Tony Clement to issue specific measures to curb its use. Bisphenol A, or BPA, is one of the most widely used synthetic chemicals in modern industry. It is the basic building block for polycarbonate, the see-through, shatter-proof plastic that resembles glass, and is also used to make the epoxy resins lining the insides of most tin cans. Experts are worried about BPA in food and beverage containers. 'Bisphenol A is in every Canadian home. It threatens the health of every Canadian. Moving against it would be a hugely significant victory for public health and the environment,' said Rick Smith, executive director of Environmental Defence. The conclusion by Health Canada that BPA is a possible threat, which is expected to be announced soon, will amount to one of the most important regulatory decisions regarding a single chemical in decades.

From an Ottawa Citizen report on this: Some opponents of BPA said Canada would have an international effect by declaring BPA harmful in any way. 'This would send a strong signal' that would discourage food packers, drink makers, and retailers from using polycarbonate containers, said Aarom Freeman, policy director of Environmental Defence.

From a CBC News report on this: The Health Canada evaluation of bisphenol A was launched last year as part of a study of about 200 chemicals the federal government has designated for more careful research.

The Edmonton Journal - Alberta's throne speech promises greener energy (15 April 2008) Alberta will take 'a bold new path' towards more sustainable, environmentally friendly development of energy, the provincial government promised in Tuesday's Throne Speech. Alberta Lt.-Gov Norman Kwong, reading the speech in the Legislative Assembly, said Alberta energy must be clean energy that is developed with the best technologies possible. 'Alberta is in the world's spotlight and the expectations for our province are high,' Kwong said. 'We will meet those expectations as a leader in energy development and environmental protection.' In a news release, Premier Ed Stelmach said, 'We know that sustainability must be part of everything we do.'

The Canadian Press - Feds to invest $330 million over two years to improve native water systems (15 April 2008) The federal government is promising clean water for all First Nations communities in Canada. Indian Affairs Minister Chuck Strahl has announced a C$330-million, two-year programme aimed at improving the quality of water and waste-water systems in native communities.

From a Canwest News Service report on this: The government also plans to conduct a nationwide review of water services in all First Nations communities. 'This assessment will give us a big-picture view of the status of all drinking water systems and whether the right investments are being made,' Mr Strahl said. First Nations communities will also get funding from the government for the construction and upgrading of water systems on reserves.

The Canadian Press - New estimates say Eastern Arctic bowhead whales are not endangered after all (14 April 2008) As late as 2005, scientists figured there were just over 5,000 bowheads swimming the Eastern Arctic seas—a population low enough to list them as 'threatened'. But the Department of Fisheries and Oceans acknowledged that was a drastic underestimate. The new best estimate is 14,400. That's nearly 300 per cent higher and roughly equal to the 11,000 whales that are thought to have frequented waters such as the Davis Strait and Lancaster Sound during the 19th century. New survey methods have helped. So have new resources given to wildlife researchers due to legislation such as the Species At Risk Act and agreements such as the Nunavut Land Claim. 'That proved scientifically what Inuit people were saying,' said Larry Dueck, a marine mammal biologist with the Department of Fisheries and Oceans. 'Inuit are almost constantly being proven right.'

CBC News - Whooping cranes en route to Canadian park for summer (15 April 2008) A record number of whooping cranes are winging their way back to Canada's North, having survived the winter in the southern United States. About 266 of the endangered birds have been spotted from Texas to Saskatchewan this spring, as they migrate to their nesting area in Wood Buffalo National Park. By comparison, about 230 cranes were spotted last spring. Once at the park, which straddles the Alberta-N.W.T. border, the whooping cranes will nest in wetlands so rugged and remote that few people have seen it. The whooping crane is popular internationally because it is considered a success story in wildlife recovery: in 1941, there were only 16 whooping cranes left in the world.

The Canadian Press - New ecohealth course to be offered at three Canadian universities (15 April 2008) Professors from three universities are teaming up to design a new course looking at the environment and human health. The 11-day ecohealth course will be offered annually and rotate among the three universities—the University of Guelph in Ontario, the University of British Columbia and Universite du Quebec a Montreal. 'Ecohealth has developed in response to the recognition that human health and well-being is embedded within the health of the ecosystem,' said Professor Bruce Hunter of the Department of Pathobiology at the University of Guelph. 'When you focus on a human health problem, you have to consider how humans interact with animals and their environment, and the problem is influenced by a wide range of other critical factors including socio-economic factors and cultural and spiritual practices. Effective solutions come from looking at the big picture.'

These are a few of the news reports reflecting Canada's rising invincibility from the growing Yogic Flying groups across Canada and the Invincible America Assembly at Maharishi University of Management and Maharishi Vedic City, USA.

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