News Maharishi in the World Today

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Maharishi in the world today - Part III
by Raja John Konhaus*

Global Country of World Peace    Translate This Article
27 January 2008

As a foundation for re-enlivening Vedic knowledge, Maharishi has trained and supported the traditional Vedic families of India, the true custodians of this knowledge for generations. Maharishi has insured the preservation of what the United Nations has called an 'international cultural heritage'—the chanting of the Vedic pandits—by training tens of thousands of new pandits in all aspects of the Vedic texts and traditional performances.

In the Brahmasthan, or centre point of India, Maharishi has built homes for and supported 16,000 Vedic Pandits to perform Vedic Yagyas for all the 192 nations of the world—for each nation's peace, prosperity, security, and happiness. Maharishi has also made available individual Yagyas performed by the best pandits of India, allowing individuals and businesses to enjoy these traditional performances for their personal success and well-being.

To complement the centre of world coherence in the Brahmasthan of India, Maharishi recently founded Maharishi Central University in the Brahmasthan of the USA to train new leadership for America and all the nations of the world.

Maharishi has established many organizations to perpetuate his knowledge for all generations to come. In the field of education over the past 50 years, 340 schools, colleges, and universities have been established and accredited in 16 countries with over 175,000 students, including Maharishi University of Management, USA; Maharishi Institute of Management, India; Maharishi Vedic University in India, Great Britain, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Cambodia, Thailand, Brazil, and Denmark; Maharishi Open University, a global Web and telecast university in 18 languages; Maharishi European Research University for global graduate research; Maharishi Research Institute of Japan; Maharishi Spiritual University of America, and Maharishi University of Enlightenment for ladies, Maharishi Schools of the Age of Enlightenment; and Maharishi Invincibility Schools worldwide.

In addition to theses educational institutions, Maharishi has established many supporting, non-profit organizations to administer and teach the Vedic knowledge in all nations. These national organizations all operate in the local language and in accord with the legal structure of the country in which they are established. They have a common parent organization in the Global Country of World Peace—an international organization created to unite the family of nations in permanent peace.

Copyright © 2008 Global Country of World Peace.

Global Good News comment:

Global Good News will feature the continuation of this article in the coming days. (Please also see Maharishi in the world today - Part I and Part II .)

View the entire article of Maharishi in The World Today (with photographs) by Raja Dr John Konhaus on (This PDF file takes less than one minute to download.)

*Raja Dr John Konhaus: Director Global Country of World Peace for SW America; Professor of Vedic Organic Agriculture, Maharishi University of World Peace. Dr Konhaus is the Raja (Administrator) of Invincible Japan for the Global Country of World Peace.

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