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Flag of Invincibility raised around the world on 12 January 2008, inaugurating Maharishi Towers of Invincibility as a 'Farewell Gift to Maharishi'

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17 January 2008

World Congress of Rajas of the Global Country of World Peace

Capital of the Global Country of World Peace
Meru, Holland
31 475 538513

Press Release

The Flag of Invincibility Raised Around the World on 12 January

Historic Ceremonies Inaugurate Maharishi Towers of Invincibility as a 'Farewell Gift to Maharishi'

Flag-Raising Ceremonies Held in Over 100 Countries

These Maharishi Towers of Invincibility will stand as a perpetual memorial to the 50 years of Maharishi's global achievements in creating an unshakable foundation for invincibility for the world.

Maharishi Towers of Invincibility were inaugurated during historic flag-raising ceremonies on 12 January at 12 noon in many countries around the world.

Each grand, 12-story Maharishi Tower of Invincibility will serve as a perpetual memorial to the 50 years of unprecedented achievements of His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi in creating the unshakable foundation for an invincible world.

The Maharishi Towers of Invincibility are being offered as a farewell gift to Maharishi by the Rajas of the Global Country of World Peace, along with leaders of Maharishi's movement around the world.

Flag-raising ceremonies were held worldwide in over 100 countries on 12 January, including the 48 most affluent nations. Plans call for a Maharishi Tower of Invincibility to be established soon in all 192 countries.

A Turning Point in the History of the World

The motivation to establish the Maharishi Towers of Invincibility arose from the good news that there are more than enough experts trained in Maharishi's peace-creating technologies of consciousness to raise the entire world to invincibility. Moreover, the upsurge of positive trends in the world created by Maharishi's global peace program makes it clear that an irrevocable transformation in world consciousness is now underway.

The Maharishi Towers of Invincibility mark the turning point in the history of the world—the irreversible transformation from an age of ignorance and suffering to the age of peace, prosperity and happiness—the Age of Enlightenment. Maharishi's great task is completed, and the world will never be the same old suffering world.

The announcement came during the World Congress of Rajas and Ministers of the Global Country of World Peace, now being held in Meru, Holland, in the presence of Maharaja Nader Raam, First Ruler of the Global Country of World Peace.

Inauguration of Maharishi Towers of Invincibility in the Name of Maharishi's Teacher

The inaugurations were held in the name of Maharishi's teacher, Guru Dev, Brahmananda Saraswati, whose Total Knowledge Maharishi has brought to the world. The Maharishi Towers of Invincibility will be connected to the 48 centers of Total Knowledge—Brahmananda Saraswati Nagars—that are now under construction in India. This is where Maharishi Vedic Pandits will maintain coherence in world consciousness through their daily performance of Maharishi's technologies of consciousness, including Transcendental Meditation, Yogic Flying, and Yagyas.

Maharishi Tower of Invincibility to be a Center of Total Knowledge

Each Maharishi Tower of Invincibility will be more than a high tower, but a lively center of learning—a center of Total Knowledge. The Tower will be flanked by two large buildings, which will be home to a Maharishi Invincibility University, College, or School, where all aspects of Vedic knowledge will be available for study and application, including education, health, agriculture, trade and commerce, defense, science and technology, communication, religion and culture, administration, law and order, and finance and planning.

One important field of study will be the Vedic Science of Jyotish—the science and technology of securing invincibility by preventing negativity from arising for the individual or nation.

Lighthouse of Invincibility for the Nation

The Maharishi Tower of Invincibility will serve as a lighthouse of invincibility for each nation. A large group of Yogic Flyers will create coherent national consciousness—the basis of enlightenment for every individual and invincibility for the nation.

The Maharishi Tower of Invincibility will also house exhibitions of knowledge for all areas of society utilizing the most advanced display technologies. The public will be invited to attend courses on a full-time or part-time basis on weekdays, weekends, and evenings. The Maharishi Towers of Invincibility will also be surrounded by magnificent gardens.

A Bright Future for Millennia to Come

'We are establishing the Maharishi Towers of Invincibility in recognition of Maharishi's historic achievements to secure a bright future for our countries and the world in peace, prosperity, happiness, and freedom from suffering for millennia to come,' the Rajas said.

Copyright © 2008 Global Good News(sm) Service

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For information about Maharishi's seven-point programme to create a healthy, happy, prosperous society, and a peaceful world, please visit: Global Financial Capital of New York.

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