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Good news report from Canada
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8 December 2007
23 November was the 23rd day of the fifth month of the 2nd year of Canadian national consciousness rising to invincibility, as indicated by the following press reports:
23 November 2007
The Canadian Press - Federal surplus just keeps getting bigger (23 November 2007) The federal government is heading for another massive surplus, revealing today it has accumulated a C$9.3-billion surplus in the first six months of the fiscal year. It took in C$2.6 billion more in revenues in September than in the same month last year. Ottawa was able to squirrel away an additional C$700 million for the month, compared with a C$1.3-billion deficit it recorded last September. The half-year results don't reflect tax cuts announced last month. 'Without the changes it was going to be a record year for the surplus, and even after making the retroactive tax changes, there's still a possibility we'll have a record year,' John Williamson, federal director of the Canadian Taxpayers Federation, said. The picture looks even better if other sources of revenue are included. The six-month 'financial source-requirements measure' - which calculates all cash coming in, versus going out, and includes non-budgetary capital assets, government investments, and foreign exchange activities - had a surplus of C$13.4 billion, up from C$3.1 billion a year ago. Perhaps the most stunning aspect is the rate at which revenues keep rising, month after month. In September, the government posted C$19.7 billion in revenue, a 15 per cent increase over the same month last year. And the government spent C$200 million less on servicing the slimming national debt in September.
The National Post on green office buildings (22 November 2007) Greening a business also means better designed buildings. Office towers use up to 30% of the power in major cities. Toronto is witnessing construction of three downtown skyscrapers touted as 'green' buildings. The buildings use 25% to 40% less energy and up to half as much to operate. The big businesses that are the anchor tenants for these new buildings are demanding green features not only because it buffs their corporate image but because studies prove that employees are happier and healthier in green buildings. 'We spend the majority of our wak[ing] hours in these hermetically sealed places and none of us are comfortable,' says Dermot Sweeney, a Toronto architect whose firm designed two of the city's new state-of-the-art towers. Letting in as much natural light as possible is another way architects are designing buildings to use less energy and keep workers happier and more productive.
The Globe and Mail - Carbon-neutral building sets a standard (20 November 2007) Vancouver architect Peter Busby is designing the 23-storey, C$225-million GM Place tower to receive a Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) gold certification. But he will be going well beyond current sustainability standards. 'I believe it will be the first carbon-neutral building in North America - I don't know of any other,' Mr. Busby, who is also chairman of the Canada Green Building Council, declares, In the goal to make it carbon neutral, the building will be heated and cooled by a radiant ceiling panel system, which looks like a typical ceiling but has thin tubes that carry heated or chilled water. A geothermal system will be used for cooling and heating water. The building won't have traditional infrastructure for heating, ventilation, and air conditioning. That will translate into an extra three storeys of rentable space. As well, the HVAC won't rely on fan-blown recirculated air - it will be all fresh air - which means occupants could open the windows as in the old days. Mr Busby says there will be pressure from the marketplace as businesses demand greener buildings. 'There is lots of optimism there for the future.'
Reuters Canada - Canadian businesses urged to tap solar incentives (21 November 2007) The Canadian government is encouraging businesses to take advantage of generous rebates on buying and installing solar energy equipment from the EcoENERGY Renewable Heat program. The programme is open to industrial and commercial energy customers, as well as institutional users, such as schools. Through the programme buyers of solar heating and water systems can apply for a 25 per cent rebate of the cost and installation of the system. The programme operates in partnership with similar programmes offered by the provinces of Ontario and Saskatchewan. Total incentives could allow applicants to knock 50 per cent off the cost and installation of their solar energy systems.
The Ottawa Citizen - Streams bounce back from decades of acid rain, study finds (22 November 2007) If your neighbourhood stream has turned brown in recent years, it's actually a sign the water is getting significantly cleaner. Streams in central and eastern Canada, the northeastern US, Scandinavia, and Britain are returning to a natural brown after years of running clear because there's less acid rain polluting them, a new study has found. The colour, similar to that of weak tea, comes from dissolved organic matter and is 'indicative of a return to a more natural, pre-industrial state', the study's British, Canadian, and American authors say in the science journal Nature. Mostly, the brown comes from harmless organic carbon. 'As acidity and pollutant concentrations in the soil fall, carbon becomes more soluble, which means more of it moves into our lakes and rivers,' said John Stoddard of the EPA [US Environmental Protection Agency], the American partner in the research. Ottawa naturalist Dan Brunton called the study 'most encouraging'.
The National Post on Canadians willing to buy for a good cause (23 November 2007) As the use of corporate social responsibility marketing proliferates, Edelman public relations agency of Toronto said a recent study it conducted found 91% of Canadian consumers would be 'willing to change the brands they buy or their consumption habits to make tomorrow's world a better place'. And 52% of consumers would be more likely to recommend a brand that supports a good cause than one that does not.
The Globe and Mail - University, college enrolments seen to rise by 320,000 (22 November 2007) University enrolment in Canada could mushroom by as many as 170,000 students in the next decade, according to Statistics Canada projections. The full-time enrolment gains of roughly 20 per cent over 10 years would be fuelled by increases in the number of people aged 17 to 29, as well as an assumption that university participation rates will continue to grow in line with trends. 'You have this double effect . . . in magnifying the numbers faster,' said Patrice de Broucker, co-author of the report and chief of education indicators at Statistics Canada's Centre for Education Statistics. College enrolment could also rise by 150,000 students in the next 10 years, an increase of about 30 per cent.
The National Post - Manitoba's Hudson's Bay Company archives join UN list of important documents (23 November 2007) Manitoba's Hudson's Bay Company archives have been added to the United Nations' prestigious list of the world's most important documents. The archives, a huge collection chronicling much of Canada's history, have been added to UNESCO's Memory of the World Register. That is a list of only 158 of the world's most important documents, including France's Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen. 'There are some collections that really transcend time and culture, and should be considered part of the collective memory of the world,' said David Walden, an archivist and the secretary-general of Canada's UNESCO secretariat.
The Victoria Times Colonist - Island's first modern-day treaty a 'vision of future' (22 November 2007) Leaders of five First Nations spoke about new opportunities for their people as Vancouver Island's first modern-day treaty was introduced in the British Columbia legislature for expected quick ratification. Chiefs from the Maa-nulth First Nations were invited to address the legislators. The treaty will see the 2,000 Maa-nulth receive C$73.1 million in cash, annual resource revenue averaging C$1.2 million for 25 years, program and special project funding, and 24,550 hectares of land. It also gives the Maa-nulth nations self-government provisions similar to those of municipalities, including the right to participate in regional district boards and make laws on their lands. 'This is a triumph for generations of Maa-nulth leaders and people,' Premier Gordon Campbell said. 'It's a triumph for their ancestors.'
These are a few of the news reports reflecting Canada's rising invincibility from the growing Yogic Flying groups across Canada and the Invincible America Assembly at Maharishi University of Management and Maharishi Vedic City, USA.
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