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National invincibility rising from the heart of Central Vedic America
by Global Good News staff writer
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13 November 2007
Dr Robert Wynne, Raja (Administrator) of Central Vedic America for the Global Country of World Peace, and Mayor of Maharishi Vedic City in Fairfield, Iowa, recently reported progress in many aspects through which his domain is contributing to the rise of invincibility in the United States.
'Through the Invincible America Assembly going on at Maharishi University of Management (MUM) and Maharishi Vedic City, we now have the invincibility number of 1,732 Yogic Flyers—the square root of one percent of the total population—for the United States,' Dr Wynne began. Further, 'More people are joining the Assembly all the time; and 33 people are now completing a course to learn Yogic Flying. A Citizens' Invincibility Course, for people to learn Maharishi's Transcendental Meditation (TM) Technique, is beginning soon; and in mid-December they will also learn Yogic Flying. That will continue to raise the number of Yogic Flyers.
Dr Wynne pointed out that through the generosity of the David Lynch Foundation, funds are still available toward learning the TM Technique. 'It is the time for everyone in the country to take advantage of this offer,' he said.
In other news, Dr Wynne briefly mentioned that Maharishi University of Management now reports its highest enrolment ever, following an upward trend since the Invincible America Assembly began, 17 months ago. They have begun to put on the marble face coating outside, and carpeting inside, the two Peace Palaces on the MUM campus, and Dr Wynne expects these buildings will be in use very soon. The Maharishi Invincibility Centre in Omaha, Nebraska, has opened a spa where Maharishi Ayur-Veda health treatments including rejuvenation therapy (traditionally known as Panchakarma), Vedic Vibration (treatments using Vedic sound), as well as Ayurvedic herbs and products will be available.
Two elementary and high schools in the US, one with 140 and another with 150 students and teachers, are beginning to use Maharishi's Consciousness-Based Education in their schools. In Maharishi Vedic City, in 'a very festive event, that is part of the democratic process in the United States,' city elections for the mayor and city council have just been held, for the fourth time.
The continuing influx of about 50 Vedic Pandits every two weeks or so has brought their total to about 550, Dr Wynne said, 'and soon we will have over 2,000'. To accommodate them, expansion is continuing. A few weeks ago, over 2,000 people were able to witness some of their special Vedic peace-creating performances; and 'now there will be a much larger building for that. We also began building an indoor recreation building for their exercise during the winter months', Dr Wynne said. In a few days they will have completed a 220-square-metre dining hall, and 'we want to be able to give them the best food. We are planning now to grow the different crops—Maharishi Vedic Organic food, picked when ripe and at its most nutritious'—based on their experience during this first year that the Pandits have been residing in Maharishi Vedic City and the MUM campus, of the crops and quantities that are needed. They are also starting to expand production of Vedic Organic milk products for the Vedic Pandits, Dr Wynne said, indicating that there would be two dairy herds—one near the university campus, and one in Maharishi Vedic City.
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